Shabbat Shalom October 31, 2014

Shabbat Shalom
October 31, 2014
Dear family and friends,
We had an amazing time in New York last weekend thanks to many of your suggestions.  The highlights included drinks at the Blue Bar (Algonquin Hotel) with friends (Diane, Randy, Carol, Steve, Ari, Rob, Marcie and surprise guests: Orna and Keenan). Dinner at Jojo’s (upper east side), Birch Coffee(upper east side), “Beautiful” on Broadway, walking the newly completed High Line (34th st. to 12th st.), lunch at Lulu and Me (28th and 5th), Toloache for the best Mexican dinner…ever (near Washington Square) and seeing Tziporela (Odd Birds) Tel Aviv Comedy Troop in The Village We plan to make this NYC birthday weekend a yearly tradition.
Israel is not the only one plagued by Hamas.  31 Egyptian soldiers were killed this week by Terrorist in a Northern Sinai town, which pissed off the Egyptians.  This prompted a border closure between Gaza and Egypt, the distruction of 800 homes in the boarder town of Rafa, the displacement of 10,000 Egyptian and the halt of Egypt’s mediation talks between Israel and Hamas (not that there was much hope for success on that front).

Tel Aviv

Though Rio De Janeiro came in first place, it’s nothing to sneeze over that Tel Aviv is the 2nd Sexiest City on planet Earth.  I could have told you that without the survey results just from walking the beachfront and viewing all the Israeli eye candy. In addition, Tel Aviv’s Imperial Craft was named the best Bar in the Middle East. This info deserved a rapid dash to your nearest travel agent to schedule your next visit.

Wadi ‘Araba
20 years ago this week, Yitzhak Rabin (z”l) and King Husseinsigned the Israel/Jordan Peace Treaty.  This collaborative effort was based on a true friendship between these elder statesmen. Sadly both of these peace-makers are long gone though we could truly benefit from more like-minded world leaders today. Here is the actual (and interesting) Peace Treaty from Oct. 26, 1994 signed at the border crossing of Wadi “Araba:
Friends sharing a smoke
From Peace Treaty to Peace Train.  I might be bias by my lifelong love of Cat Steven‘s music, but I’ve also kept vigil for accurate information of his beliefs regarding Israel and the Jewish people. To my knowledge, there is no evidence of animosity. In fact, lately he has re-entered the mainstream stage after his Rock and Roll induction plus his new album (“Tell ’em I’m Gone”) and concert tour which we are excited to see in Boston next month. Click on this video for his perceptive on life and his latest musical creation.
The Toronto Ford brothers keep our late night comedians flush with material.  Good old, Rob Ford cruised back into politics this week winning a seat on the City Council while simultaneously battling an aggressive form of cancer. Though brother, Doug, lost his bid to replace Rob in the Mayor’s office but did manage to offend the Toronto Jewish Community when asked about a past anti-semitic comment made by his brother. He responded (and was booed) in the stereotypically way by mentioning his Jewish Doctor, Jewish Accountant and threw in that his Wife was Jewish…though she really isn’t.
Brothers Doug and Rob
After 16 longs months (and years of agony) our Detroit bankruptcy debacle is coming to an end as Judge Rhodesplans to give his verdict next Friday, Nov. 7th. This week the Detroit schools made a mutually beneficial swap with the City to exchange an $11.6 million debt for 57 empty schools and 20 vacant lots.  All good signs for our beloved City.
Last week I mentioned the passing of Ethel Rosenberg’s brother who lied in court and contributed to his sister execution. So as an addendum to that story (Thanks, Josh F.), here is information on the only known memorial to the Rosenbergs, which is, not surprisingly, in Cuba.
No Confirmation
C. Everett Koop, where are your descendants?  Surely, our medical advancements are admirable but they don’t warrant the absence of a National Surgeon General which we’ve done WITHOUT for 15 months. Our current Senate won’t confirm the nominee, Dr. Vivek Murthy, since he suggests an assault weapons ban, gun safety training and limits on ammunition. The NRA doesn’t like these (lifesaving) ideas, so NRA supported Senators won’t confirm him during these medically tenuous times. This current articles in Good Magazine gives in interesting picture of our Surgeon General situation:  Maybe if we had a Surgeon General, we would have a realistic policy on how to handle (brave) Ebola Health Care Workers on their return to the U.S.
We need a plan
And speaking of gun violence, this celeb-packed video might be nearly two years old but it is still relevant.  Step forward with Gabby Giffords, who is brave and determined to Demand a Plan:
Hail to the “Victors”
As Pink October fades into the past, our concern for Breast Cancer continues as a year-round vigil. The NYTimes compiled an extensive interactive portrayal of the many lives touched by this dreaded disease.  For inspiration on truly remarkable “Victors”, check out his incredible website:


All Hallows Eve, the night before All Saints Day (Nov. 1st) originated in 1745 and is a Christian holiday that has crossed over into the secular world opening the doors for all to indulge in the gluttony of sugary and chocolate treats. Snickers, Kit Kats and Reese’s peanut butter cups were my favorite. I hope your Trick or Treating results in a pillowcase full of your favorite treats. And remember if your eat 7 bars of dark chocolate everyday, you’ll increase your memory and your waistline. Now, once you are sugared out, you’ll want to eat some fresh fruit and this video will teach you the easiest way to consume these delicious and healthy snacks:
Election Day
Why should we vote on Tuesday?  During our last midterm election in 2010, there was only 47% voter turnout. Though, did you know that 99% of our riches Americans VOTE and the opposite holds true among poorest citizens, meaning they’re voter turn out is VERY low. How does this reflect on our society. These five prominent issues resonate with our lower-income non-voters who’s voices aren’t being heard at the polls.
But why vote???  Here is the BEST creative “republican” message about voting.  Truly a must watch (for progressive minded people):
Wishing you and your loved ones a Pleasant and Peaceful Shabbat Shalom and a “sweet” Halloween.
Post Script
A HUGE Mazel Tov to my brother-in-law (Hannan’s brother) and sister-in-law, Yehoshua and Anat, on joining the wonderful Grandparent club as Orly and Gil had a baby daughter this week. Congrats also to Doda Michal.
Speedy recovery to Israeli right-wing activist
Yehuda Glick who is in serious condition after be shoot at point blank by a Palestinian terrorist who was later killed by Israeli police.  There is an elevated sense of violence in Jerusalem following last week’s car ramming terrorist attack which killed a 3 month old baby and 22 year old tourist.
Condolences to the Elliot and Denise and the Parr family on the passing of Louis Par (z”l).  May the memory of his love and spirit comfort those who mourn his passing.

Condolences to Susie and Jeff Stern on the passing of Jeff’s sister Gail Lenvin (z”l).  May Gail’s memory and spirit bring comforts to those who loved her and mourn her loss.

Mazel Tov to the San Francisco Giants (and Tzachi) on their 2014 World Series Win, their 3rd win in 5 years.

4 Days till Elections
Let’s reverse the trend of lower voter turnout during
Midterm Elections.
Preview your ballot
There is lots to research so I hope you find this site helpful.
Please consider supporting:
Mark Schauer/Lisa Brown: Governor/Lieut.Gov.
Gary Peters: US Senate
Pam Byrnes: US Congress (District 7)
Sandy Levin: US Congress (District 9)
Debbie Dingell: US Congress (District 12)
Kristy Pagan: MI Representative (District 21)
Robert Wittenberg: MI Representative (District 27)
Jeremy Moss: MI Representative (District 35)
Christine Greig: MI Representative (District 37)
Sandy Colvin:  MI Representative (District 39)
Mary Belden: MI Representative (District 40)
John Fisher: MI Representative (District 61)
Judicial Races
After requesting advice, these people were suggested:

Supreme Court: Richard Bernstein and Bill Murphy
Supreme Court Incumbent: Deb Thomas
Judge of Circuit Court 6th: Lisa Langton

 Oakland County Commissioners
Marcia Gershenson: Dist. 13
Helaine Zack: Dist. 18
Shirley Bryant: Oakland Community College
Faylene Owen: Michigan State University
State Proposal
Please consider voting NO on our State proposals regarding Wolf Hunting.
Now through Nov. 7th (final week to help)
Please help support David Broza’s documentary East Jerusalem West Jerusalem.
Now through Nov. 16th

Please vote (once a day is allowed) for Rabbi Elimelech Goldberg for his well-deserved Hero status as the guiding force of Kids Kicking Cancer through CNN Hero’s Award contest.

Now through Jan. 31st

Mittens for Detroit has just embarked on its 5th collection season with this year’s goal of 20,000 (new/unused) mittens or gloves. There are donation locations all around town.  Two, I know of, are Weight Watchers and Starbucks.  To find a drop box closest to you, please click here:

Sunday November 2nd
Monte Carlo Night benefitting the Jewish Dental Clinic (provides free dental care for our Jewish Community)
Shaarey Zedek, 6:00pm
Online payments at
Sunday November 9th

Holocaust Memorial Center Dinner at Congregation Shaarey Zedek honoring Dr. Richard K. Stoler with guest speaker Alan Dershowitz.

Thursday November 13th (7:00pm)
Zoe Weil, President of the Institute for Humane Education will present a talk on creating a Humane and Sustainable World at the home of Diane Orley (no charge)

Thursday November 20th (6:30pm)
Our community is honoring the memory of a dear friend when

Jewish Senior Life hosts the first Annual Jeffrey ZaslowMedia Night at Tam O’Shanter Country Club
Guest speaker: Adam Grant, author of “Give and Take”
Celebrity Emcees Alan “Big Al” Muskovitz & Mike Stone
RSVP to Leslie Katz at 248-592-5062 or

Saturday November 22 (6:30pm)
The Benefit II in support of the Children’s Tumor Foundation to help fight Neurofibromatosis.
Detroit Marriott at the Ren.Cen.
Hosted by Jennifer and Dan Gilbert
For more info:
Tuesday December 2nd
City Year Women’s Leadership Breakfast
Detroit Athletic Club
For more info, please contact Jenna Moritz
Check out this matching contest and donate to help:
Wednesday December 10th (6pm)
ADL Gala Honors Senator Carl Levin
Torch of Liberty Award
For more info, please contact Jaimee Wine or 248-535-7553
Happy Birthday!
Oct. 31st
Ed Ross
Rachel Winer
Nov. 1st
Detroit-Windsor Tunnel dedicated 1930
Nov. 2nd
Karen Sosnick Schoenberg

Ronnie Ferber
Helen Curhan

Vered Segal
Nov. 3rd
Hadassa Raviv (Happy 1st birthday dear granddaughter)
Wendy Eichenhorn Stone

Ethan Orley

Nov. 4th
Abbey Brasch Nathan
Ellen Bryne
Tomer Zur

Nov. 5th
Debra Feldman Singer
Heidi Blas Barzily
Michael Horowitz
Sheldon Cohn
Susanna Pollak Mould
Michelle Winterberger

Nov. 6th
Carol Ann Feder Levis
Robin Kaufman Trepeck
Kari Grosinger Alterman
Bob Henrich
Bruce Gorosh

Blue Stripes


Shabbat Shalom October 31, 2014

Shabbat Shalom October 24, 2014

Shabbat Shalom
October 24, 2014
Dear family and friends,
Thank You!
Toda Raba for all the wonderful NYC suggestions. I’ll keep you posted on our favorite recommendations as we are here in the Big Apple this weekend.
Birthday Thoughts
As I reflect on my birthday, I can honestly say I feel (emotionally & physically) closer to 34 though I am extremely grateful for the experiences of my 54 years. My blessings of health, family, friends, philanthropy, food, music, community, travel, Judaism… bring me joy each day. On birthdays, we should also wish greetings to our parents as they deserve the acknowledgment, especially the moms who did all the birth work. So Happy Birth-Work-Day, mom.  I’m grateful to you for bringing me into this world.
Evil Attacks
Both Canada and Israel experienced senseless murders this week as a gunman (Islamic Convert) killed a solider at the Parliament in Ottawa. Meanwhile in Jerusalem, a Palestinian rammed his car into a group of people, killing a 3 month old baby girl who had just made her first visit to the Western Wall. 7 others were also injured in this evil terrorist attack. Thoughts and prayers are with the families and friends of these victims.
Stay Healthy
Speaking of appreciating and protecting life, here are 10 things you should do to keep healthy:
1. Floss daily to decrease the likelihood of Heart Disease, Stoke, Diabetes, Alzheimer’s and some forms of Cancer.
2. Get a Colonoscopy.  Yes the prep is “yucky” but it sure beats getting colon cancer.
3. Learn Portion Control and identify when you are full. Maintaining a healthy body weight reduces the risks of diabetes and a slew of other illness.  Two words for this…Weight Watchers.
4. Use Sunscreen. 3.5 million people in the US will get skin cancer this year.
5. Don’t Smoke (or stop if you do), enough’s been said of this issue.
6. Sleep.  Not enough leads to memory loss, hearing problems, anger, high blood pressure, stroke, depression, car accidents and obesity.
7. Move your body…vigorously.
8. Eat more Fruits and Vegies. Jump on the Kale bandwagon.
9. Create and nurture healthy relationships. 
10. Appreciate your blessings. 
These emails are a blessing for me, especially when I receive your replies.  I thought I’d share some of your FAQs:
1. How many people are on the list? The list is fluid but currently at 882,  though some of you forward it on to others and it is also posted on my Facebook page.
2. Does anyone help me write the messages?  Nope, I write every word.
3. How long does it takes to write them?  Each week is different based on how busy I am. Sometimes I’ll spend several hours and other weeks it might be only 1 hour, though the process is continuous throughout the week.
4. (my favorite question) WHY do you write them? It started as a weekly tradition to connect with friends and family to sayShabbat Shalom which quickly developed into a habit that morphed into an enjoyable and educational obsession. It forces me to research weekly topics of interest and provides a venue to convey viewpoints, suggestions and community opportunities. My first Shabbat email was sent on Nov. 6, 2009 and I’ve never missed a Friday, hence the obsession or as I like to call it…Tradition. Your replies of appreciation and comments are my bonus as I love knowing that I am part of your Friday morning routine.  I plan to continue writing these “gifts” till my fingers can no longer type.
Green Friendly
Farmington/Farm.Hills is one of 52 Cities that are quarterfinalist in the Georgetown University $5 Million Energy Prize Competition.  If you live in Farm. or Farm. Hills, please take this survey to help us win:
Detroit Pride
Check out the very cool launch of the USS Detroit (almost looked like it was going to topside) as we are proud that our city’s name will be added to our country naval flight.
Detroit Progress
Continuing steps in the revival of Detroit is taking place as, this week, the Bankruptcy deal included the Joe Louis Arena to be relinquished to one of the creditor to be developed into an upscale Riverfront hotel/condos/retail complex.
Can you do this?
Enjoy these very talented voices and hands (no instruments). Not sure how they did this in one take with no mistakes.
Wishing you and your loved ones a Sweet and Peaceful Shabbat Shalom.
Condolences on the passing of Pearl Bello, mother to Lynne (and Norman) Roman and Mark (and Tobye) Bello.  May her family and friends be comforted by her memory, spirit and love.
Condolences to the family and friends of Lisa Krieger, wife to Doug, mother to Mitchell, Madeline and Olivia. Sister to Paul (Karen Kelman) Chaben and Steven (Lisa) Chaben.  54 (my age) is too young to die.  May the memory of her love and spirit bring comfort to those in mourning.
Condolences to Aviva Gordon on the passing of her husband,Dr. Edward Gordon.  May his memory and love bring comfort to those who mourn his passing.
Condolences to the world of Fashion on the passing of legendary Oscar de la Renta who dressed Hollywood Stars, Royalty and but most famously Jackie Kennedy.
Condolences to music lovers of the Manhattan Transfer as its founder, Tim Hauser (72) died this week. One of my favs… “Boy from NY City” (vintage 1981)
Condolences to the 43 (including 4 Israeli) hikers who perished last week during the unexpected and unseasonable Himalayan snow storm. The death toll is rising as several hikers are still missing.
Another death this week was David Greenglass.  Who, you ask, is David Greenglass…?  Well he is the brother you would NEVER want as he lied in court to save his wife from prosecution, but end his sister and brother-in-laws life contributing to their execution.  Yes, David’s sister was Ethel Rosenberg who died with her husband Julius as accused spies.
11 Days till Elections
Let’s reverse the trend of lower voter turnout during
Midterm Elections.
Preview your ballot
There is lots to research so I hope you find this site helpful.
Got Questions, please attend the Voter Forum with guest speaker, former State Senator, Gilda Jacobs at Roz Blanck’s house this Monday 10/27. See info below.
Judge Races
After requesting advice, these people were suggested:

Supreme Court: Richard Bernstein, Bill Murphy

Supreme Court Incumbent: Deb Thomas

Judge of Circuit Court 6th: Lisa Langton

Please consider supporting:
Gary Peters: US Senate
Pam Byrnes: US Congress (District 7)
Sandy Levin: US Congress (District 9)
Debbie Dingell: US Congress (District 12)
Kristy Pagan: MI Representative (District 21)
Robert Wittenberg: MI Representative (District 27)
Jeremy Moss: MI Representative (District 35)
Christine Greig: MI Representative (District 37)
Sandy Colvin:  MI Representative (District 39)
Mary Belden: MI Representative (District 40)
John Fisher: MI Representative (District 61)
State Proposal
Please consider voting NO on our State proposals regarding Wolf Hunting.
Vote ahead of time
Absentee ballots are currently available to request at your county clerks office.  You can even fill it out and submit it right then and there, or they can take it home and mail it back anytime before the Nov. 4th election.  Also, new for this year in Michigan, you can request your absentee ballot on your smartphone:
For other States, you can contact the county clerks office in your city.
Now through Nov. 7th
Please help support David Broza’s documentary East Jerusalem West Jerusalem.  The film was screened at the Woodstock Film Festival to rave reviews:
Now through Nov. 16th

Please vote (once a day is allowed) for Rabbi Elimelech Goldberg for his well-deserved Hero status as the guiding force of Kids Kicking Cancer through CNN Hero’s Award contest.

Now through Jan. 31st

Mittens for Detroit has just embarked on its 5th collection season with this year’s goal of 20,000 (new/unused) mittens or gloves. There are donation locations all around town.  Two, I know of, are Weight Watchers and Starbucks.  To find a drop box closest to you, please click here:

Monday Oct. 27th (7:30pm)

Voter Open Forum with former State Senator, Gilda Jacobs. Get all your questions answered about the ballot

at the home of Roz Blanck

31305 Woodside Dr., Franklin.

RSVP to 248-626-2347 or                       

Wednesday October 29 (7:30pm)

Film Screening

Body and Soul:The State of the Jewish Nation

The Berman Center for Performing Arts

West Bloomfield JCC

Post-screening discussion with producer/director Gloria Greenfield and Rev. Dr. DeeDee Coleman

Tickets available from The Berman Box Office: 248-661-1900


Plus there will be a Detroit screening Thursday October 30

6:00pm – Russell Street Missionary Baptist Church

8700 Chrysler Freeway Drive

Buffet reception followed by screening

Post-screening discussion with Rev. Dr. DeeDee Coleman and producer/director Gloria Greenfield

Open to the public at no charge

Thursday Oct. 30th (7:00pm)
Author Wendy Mogel “Blessing of a Skinned Knee” (my parenthood bible)
Berman Center @ West Bloomfield JCC
Sunday November 2nd
Monte Carlo Night benefitting the Jewish Dental Clinic (provides free dental care for our Jewish Community)
Shaarey Zedek, 6:00pm
Online payments at
Sunday November 9th

Holocaust Memorial Center Dinner at Congregation Shaarey Zedek honoring Dr. Richard K. Stoler with guest speaker Alan Dershowitz.

Thursday November 13th (7:00pm)

Zoe Weil, President of the Institute for Humane Education will present a talk on creating a Humane and Sustainable World at the home of Diane Orley (no charge)

Saturday November 22 (6:30pm)

The Benefit II in support of the Children’s Tumor Foundation to help fight Neurofibromatosis.

Detroit Marriott at the Ren.Cen.

Hosted by Jennifer and Dan Gilbert

For more info:

Tuesday December 2nd

City Year Women’s Leadership Breakfast

Detroit Athletic Club

For more info, please contact Jenna Moritz

Check out this matching contest and donate to help:

This week’s Birthdays:
Oct. 24th
I share my birthday with:
Haleli Raviv
Helene Cohen
Irving Nusbaum
Jim Safran
Karen Alpiner
Paul Borman
Jennifer Hermelin
Oct. 25th
Pablo Picasso
Oct. 26th
Barbra Etkin Alter
Lori Cohn
Rick Herman
Ronny Elkus
Steve Margolin (Happy 60th)
Oct. 27th
Stuart Sherr
Oct. 28th

Leora Bar Levav

Oct. 29th
Lois Shevsky
Oct. 30th
Leora Rothenberg
Shelley Alexis
Stacy Brodsky
Paul Silverman
Jeremy Baruch

Blue Stripes


Shabbat Shalom October 24, 2014

Shabbat Shalom October 17, 2014

Simchat Torah
October 17, 2014
Dear family and friends,
Columbus Day
Oct. 12, 1492, Columbus sailed the Ocean Blue.  Yet the celebratory day we spotlight is as controversial as our ocean IS blue. Hawaii, Alaska, Oregon, South Dakota, Iowa and Nevada don’t recognize the holiday.  Apparently, Columbus himself was much to be desired with his scrupulous personality and his evil intent for the indigenous people.  The lack of Columbus Day enthusiast dates back to the moment the ships landed when the native population was exploited, enslaved and contaminated with disease, which, from the Native’s perspective, put a damper on his arrival. Though the U.S. is not the only country which dedicates a day to good ol’ Christopher.ArgentinaVenezuela, Colombia, ChileMexico, Spain and Italy ALL pay tribute to this “hero”.
Simchat Torah
Another holiday celebrated this week (today) is Simchat Torah which is the Happiest holiday of our Jewish calendar. Each week we read a segment of our Torah with our cycle culminating and commencing on Simcat Torah. We finish reading the final portion of the 5th (and last) book, D’varim (Deuteronomy), and start the first chapter of the first book, B’reishit (Genesis), on this joyous holiday.  It is the cycle of Life, the cycle of Peoplehood, the cycle of Judaism. We finish and begin with great appreciation and happiness for the life lessons, traditions, laws, guidance and Earthly purpose for our existence. The holiday is celebrated by tangoing with the Torah (or disco, salsa, hip hop…)
Pope Francis
Bravo to the most progressive Pope in papal history (though I’m no expert) for his welcoming stance on Gays, Divorcées and untraditional families. This week Pope Francis evoked a sense of Vatican II with his “radical” ideas of accepting people for, Who they are rather than Who they sleep with. The Papal report didn’t go so far as to accept Gay unions or embraced divorce without annulment, but they expressed the idea that the worth and acceptance of a person shouldn’t be based on narrow elements of a life.The Pope’s message of Love and Acceptance flows well into this next paragraph…
Brian Wilson
This masterpiece remark of the Beach Boys “God Only Knows” is truly a work of art with a large array of musical talents expressing their creativity. For the inside scoop on these performers, check out this detailed scorecard of the artist.
Alfred Nobel
Child welfare and education were awarded the top Nobel Prize for Peace when the committee selected Kailash Satyarthi and Malala Yousafzay as this year’s winners. Their symbiotic relationship was carefully considered as young/older, Indian/Pakistani, male/female, Muslim/Hindu representatives who on individual platforms have contributed to the wellbeing and education of hundreds of millions of children around the world.  As a side note, did you know that Alfred Nobel made his fortune from his invention of dynamite hence his wish to reverse his legacy to Peace.
Kailash Satyarthi and Malala Yousafzay
Supreme Court
Texas abortion clinics are starting to re-open this week as our U.S. Supreme court blocked the restrictive laws and strict regulations that shut them down in the first place.  Though this week’s ruling might only be temporary since the State is appealing the decision. By the way, it was a 6-3 vote with Samuel Alito, Antonin Scalia and ClarenceThomas all voting to keep the restrictions in place…not surprising. We must make sure these three views are NOT replicated by any future president. I’d hate to see how they’d vote on Roe v. Wade.
Safe and Healthy
Keeping us safe also entails preparedness which sadly was lacking with this current Ebola situation.  Most hospitals in our country, including Dallas, lacked expertise in Ebola protocol which resulted in one death and two current infections.  Wishing these two nurses a full recovery (which is possible with early detection) and a halt in further outbreaks.

Israel Innovation

Though Israel and the PA don’t agree on everything, they are cooperating on how to keep their region safe from Ebola: and Israel (as one of the most medically advances and innovative countries) has created a drug to cure Ebola which will be launched very soon:
Wishing you and your loved ones a Sweet and Peaceful Shabbat Shalom, a Hag Simchat Torah!
Post Script: NYC is next weekend’s birthday destination where Hannan and I will be celebrating my 54th. Your assignment, if you choose to take it, is to reply with any and all favorite NYC activities (food, music, theater, museums, shopping, outdoor spaces, nightlife, shows…) which will be accepted with much appreciation.
18 Days till Elections
Some would have you believe in the myth of Voter Fraud which is used to perpetuate repressive voting laws, which inhibit lower income Americans from voting; And during midterms, like this election, voter turnout is way down (especially among women), so it is incumbent for all who want progressive voices representing us to
ID Laws are crushed:
Preview your ballot

There is lots to research so I hope you find this site helpful.  To assist you in your research, Roz Blanck will be hosting an open forum to discuss candidates and ballot issues on Monday Oct. 27th @ 7:30pmat her home 31305 Woodside Dr., Franklin.  RSVP to248-626-2347 or  Please spread the word and hope to see you there.

Judical Races
After requesting advice, these people were suggested:

Supreme Court: Richard Bernstein, Bill Murphy

Supreme Court Incumbent: Deb Thomas

Judge of Circuit Court 6th: Lisa Langton

Judge of 48th District: Kevin Kevelighan


Please consider supporting:

Gary Peters: US Senate

Sandy Levin: US Congress (District 9)

Pam Byrnes: US Congress (District 7)

Debbie Dingell: US Congress (District 12)

Jeremy Moss: MI Representative (District 35)

Sandy Colvin:  MI Representative (District 39)

Mary Belden: MI Representative (District 40)

Robert Wittenberg: MI Representative (District 27)

Kristy Pagan: MI Representative (District 21)

Christine Greig: MI Representative (District 37)

John Fisher: MI Representative (District 61)

Vote ahead of time
Absentee ballots are currently available to request at your county clerks office.  You can even fill it out and submit it right then and there, or they can take it home and mail it back anytime before the Nov. 4th election.  Also, new for this year in Michigan, you can request your absentee ballot on your smartphone:
For other States, you can contact the county clerks office in your city.
Extended till Nov. 7th
You have 23 more days to jump on board of David Broza’s
Indiegogo Crowd-funding project to support the film documentary ofEast Jerusalem West Jerusalem. Through a sneak peak, I can confidently say it is well worth your help. Any and all investments are welcomed with great perks in return. Thanks.
Now through Nov. 16th
Please vote (once a day is allowed) for Rabbi Elimelech Goldbergfor his well-deserved Hero status as the guiding force of Kids Kicking Cancer through CNN Hero’s Award contest.
Now through Jan. 31st
Mittens for Detroit has just embarked on its 5th collection season with this year’s goal of 20,000 (new/unused) mittens or gloves. There are donation locations all around town.  Two, I know of, are Weight Watchers and Starbucks.  To find a drop box closest to you, please click here:
Thursday Oct. 23rd

ReMarkable Women Luncheon
Guest speaker: Tonya Reiman
The Henry, Dearborn
For more info:

Thursday Oct. 23rd
American Jewish Committee
2014 Distinguished Leadership Award Dinner
Honoring Gene Michalski
President & CEO, Beaumont Health
Townsend Hotel
5:30pm Reception
AJC Detroit at 248.646.7686
Shabbat Oct. 24-25

Join the international celebration of Shabbat with The Shabbos Project

Monday Oct. 27th (7:30pm)
Voter Open Forum – get all your questions answered
31305 Woodside Dr., Franklin.
RSVP to 248-626-2347 or

 Wednesday October 29 (7:30pm)
Film Screening
Body and Soul:The State of the Jewish Nation
The Berman Center for Performing Arts
West Bloomfield JCC
Post-screening discussion with producer/director Gloria Greenfieldand Rev. Dr. DeeDee Coleman
Tickets available from The Berman Box Office: 248-661-1900

Plus there will be a Detroit screening Thursday October 30
6:00pm – Russell Street Missionary Baptist Church
8700 Chrysler Freeway Drive
Buffet reception followed by screening
Post-screening discussion with Rev. Dr. DeeDee Coleman and producer/director Gloria Greenfield
Open to the public at no charge

 Sunday November 9th
Holocaust Memorial Center Dinner at Congregation Shaarey Zedek honoring Dr. Richard K. Stoler with guest speaker Alan Dershowitz.

Saturday November 22 (6:30pm)
The Benefit II in support of the Children’s Tumor Foundation to help fight Neurofibromatosis.
Detroit Marriott at the Ren.Cen.
Hosted by Jennifer and Dan Gilbert
For more info: Joyce Keller at 313-202-6606 or
Tuesday December 2nd
City Year Women’s Leadership Breakfast
Detroit Athletic Club
For more info, please contact Jenna Moritz at
Check out this matching contest and donate to help:
This week’s Birthdays:
Oct. 17th
Alisha Siegel
Sophie Wolens
Oct. 18th
Mathew Berg
Julie Zuckerman (NYC, not JFMD)
Terran Leemis
Robert Reed – “Mike Brady”
Oct. 20th
Doron Levin
Megan Wilbur (Teach for America)
Oct. 21st
Alison Schwartz (Happy 50th)
Karen Kahn
Yoav Raban
Kerry Duggan
Oct. 22nd
Billy Newman
Jocelyn Benson
Marcia Gershenson
Rick Radner
Oct. 23rd
Marion Freedman

Blue Stripes

Shabbat Shalom October 17, 2014

Shabbat Shalom October 10, 2014

Happy Sukkot
October 10, 2014
Dear family and friends,
“Falling, yes I am falling…” Paul
Sukkot (translation: huts or booths) is the joyous 7 day (8 days in diaspora outside of Israel) holiday that celebrates the harvest with a symbolic temporary 3 walled hut we eat (sleep) and celebrate in during the holiday.  May the walls of your Sukkah remain standing as apposed to this Sukkot parody of a Paul McCartney song performed by Rogers Park.
Sukkah in the City
“Going to the Chapel…” Dixie Cups
The First Monday in Oct. brought great news from the Supreme Court to 5 States (Indiana, Oklahoma, Utah, Virginia and Wisconsin) with Marriage Equality cases pending. The Justices decided NOT to review these cases in essence clearing the wedding bell path for the long awaited legal marriage unions. This brings our growing number of Marriage Equality States to 30.  Our Michigan LGBT marriage status is pending at the Federal Court level due to our Attorney General Bill Schuette’s appeal of Judge Friedman’s ruling eliminating the marriage ban.  By the way, 17 countries (including these 10 below) all enjoy Marriage Equality.
“Did you ever know that you’re my hero…” Bette
I have been following CNN’s Heros Award Ceremony since it started back in 2007 and this year is exceptionally exciting since one of the top 10 candidates has been a hero and a healer here in Detroit for 15 years. Rabbi Elimelech Goldberg founded Kids Kicking Cancer that teaches, through martial arts, “that pain is a message that you don’t have to listen to”. Over 5,000 kids (and their families) have been helped by the techniques and compassion of this wonderful man. Rabbi Goldberg is all too familiar with the devastating effects of Cancer as 30 years ago his daughter was diagnosed with leukemia just before her 1st birthday and passed away when she was only 2. Please vote for Rabbi Goldberg (you can vote once a day) at: and find more about him at:
“Doctor, doctor, gimme the news…” Robert

Pink seems to be everywhere this month as, for 29 years, it has been the official color of Breast Cancer Awareness. The NFL football players wear Pink, the 400 ft. spire at the top of World Trade Center One will be Pink, an Orlando police officer will be driving a Pink patrol car…and the list goes on.  If all this Pink

reminds women to get their mammograms, then bring on the Pink.  Female friends, please check to see when your last mammogram was and keep current.
“Oops, I did it again…” Brittany
Last week I mistakenly attributed the United Nations HeForShe speech to the Wrong Emma.  The correct Goodwill Ambassador isEmma Watson, who by the way, was criticized and attacked (via social media) for her outspoken views promoting Women’s rights:
“Tell me whats going on” Marvin
Speaking of who is Good for women, this magazine came out with their endorsement for our Michigan’s choice for US Senator:
“Muskrat Susie, Muskrat Sam” Daryl/Toni (Cap. & Tennille)
I’m not sure WHY the news, that 50% of our Global Wildlife has become extinct in the last 40 years, hasn’t been blasted across our headlines and shouted from rooftops. This sounds like Big and Worrisome news to me. Humans (of course) are the cause, due to our rapid consumption of Trees, Fish and Water and our ever growing Carbon Footprint. Hopefully more attention to conservation efforts will help reverse this alarming trend since our Human existence is just as fragile.
“At the Zoo” Paul and Art
I was 7 years old when Simon and Garfunkel’s Zoo song hit the charts
as I begged for local Detroit Zoo visit with my family. As an adult I’m thrilled to sit on the Detroit Zoological Society’s board to help bring awareness of this great institution with all its incredible conservation initiatives, including, the care of 51 rescued turtles during the bizarre case as they were being smuggled (on their way to China) strapped to the leg and groin of their carrier.  Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles… to the rescue.
“Sittin’ on the dock of the bay…” Otis
California is experiencing an extreme drought that is devastating their lives and environment. Gov. Brown has asked residents to cut their water consumption by 20% and there are some homes which have no running water anymore. Here is an eye-opening interactive photo display of the drought effects on several California sites:

“I am woman, hear me roar…”  Helen

13 more abortion clinics bolted their doors in Texas last week after new severe laws forced their closure.  The whole State of Texas now has ONLY 8 clinic remaining, down from 41 last year. This is tragic for nearly 1 Million Texas women of reproductive age who are 150 miles or more from any abortion facility. For those with minimal financial means, this essential blocks access to ending unwanted pregnancies.  The Supreme Court may weigh in on this issue as there is an appeal to reverse the Texas Law:
“What the world needs now is love sweet love…” Dionne
College campuses all around this nation are experiencing an increase in anti-semitism (as well as anywhere Jews or Israel are like the Cleveland Cavaliers game against the Tel Aviv Maccabi team this past weekend). But back to the college concerns, please check out this video of students from all corners of our country as they speak of the hatred and vitriol on their campuses:

The poison attempts to convince vulnerable minds that Israel is evil. Jews will always be a minority so numbers and odds are against our point of view, but we must be vigilant in stopping and correcting these dangerous lies. Emory University is the latest victim of anti-semitism as a Frat was smeared with swastikas during our High Holidays:

Emory AEPi

“got the rockin’ pneumonia & the boogie woogie flu” Johnny
Ebola victim, Thomas Duncan, died this week but panic should NOT ensue as in reality, Ebola is less contagious than most diseases.  Yes, it is deadly and we MUST fight this epidemic, but please take a look at this chart and remember to vaccinate your children as this is how we stop the spread of curable diseases.
“We are family, I got all my sisters with me” Pointer Sister
I found this article from the New York Times magazine last week of a 40 year portrait of four sisters, Heather, Mimi, Bebe and Laurie captivating, mesmerizing and inspiring.  These photos and their faces speak volumes of the lives them must have lead throughout the years and the love they have for each other. Please enjoy:
Brown Sisters
Wishing you and your loved ones a Sweet and Peaceful Shabbat Shalom, a Hag Sukkot Sameach (Happy Holiday of Sukkot)
Post Script
Condolences to Family, Friends and our entire Global Jewish Community on the passing of the legendary (100 year old) Ralph Goldman (z”l) for his decades of passionate work on behalf of Israel, Jewry and humanity.
Condolences to the Music lovers on the passing of Raider’s band leader, Paul Revere at age 76.
Thank You to the late Buffalo Bills founder and owner, Ralph Wilson, as he left the majority of his $1.4 Billion estate to his beloved Hometowns, Buffalo and Detroit.
Mazel Tov Marion Freedman on her well-deserved JPM JCC honor.
Thanks Doug and Todd for all your efforts in leading our community these last several years and Good Luck to Larry and Ben as they take over the reins.
Mazel Tov to Mitch (my Camp Sea-Gull Tripper) and Nancy Kantor on the engagement of their daughter Lisa Kantor to Bill Guth (from Toronto).
Mazel Tov Anita and Bob Naftaly on receiving their Honor from Yad Ezra this week.
Wishing a speedy recovery to Rabbi Norman Roman on his unexpected emergency surgery a few weeks ago.
Kol Hakavod to Eric Adelman and Rachel Tronstein for being 2 of the 40 under 40 Crain’s Communities High Achiever honorees for this year. Here is the complete list:
25 Days till Elections
Tune into Detroit Public TV on Oct. 12th (6pm) to witness our Michigan gubernatorial candidates (Governor Synder and Mark Schauer) square off at a Town Hall style debate to discuss the issues near and dear to our State.
Preview your ballot
There is lots to research so I hope you find this site helpful.
Judge Race – I need your help
I am slightly clueless on my Judge ballot selection other than voting for Richard Bernstein for Supreme Court.  I heard many voters skip that section since they too are clueless.  So, if any lawyers or (those in the know) want to share their Judge thoughts with me (and I’ll pass them along), please reply back to this email. Aside from the Supreme Court, we will be selecting Judges from theCourt of Appeals, Circuit Court, Probate Court and District Court.  
Vote ahead of time
Absentee ballots are currently available to request at your county clerks office.  You can even fill it out and submit it right then and there, or they can take it home and mail it back anytime before the Nov. 4th election.  Also, new for this year in Michigan, you can request your absentee ballot on your smartphone:
For other States, you can contact the county clerks office in your city.
Now till Oct. 18th
Please help our dear friend, David Broza, with his Indiegogo Crowd-funding project to help complete the film documentary of East Jerusalem West Jerusalem.  Any and all investments welcome with great perks and gifts available. If you have been procrastinating, please join the team, now. Thanks.
Now through Jan. 31st
Mittens for Detroit has just embarked on its 5th collection season with this year’s goal of 20,000 (new/unused) mittens or gloves.
There are donation locations all around town.  Two, I know of, areWeight Watchers and Starbucks.  To find a drop box closest to you, please click here:
Tuesday October 14th (6:45pm-8:30pm)
Emily’s List conversation on the importance of electing women.
With US House candidates: Pam Byrnes, Debbie Dingell and Brenda Lawrence.
At the home of Nina Dodge Abrams
For more info and address click on website or contact Emily Beardsley at or 202-419-1075

Thursday Oct. 16th
Please join us at Eastern Market Corporation Inaugural Harvest Celebration in historic Shed 3.  For more info, please contact Tracy Rivard at (313) 833-9300, ext. 113 or

Thursday Oct. 23rd
ReMarkable Women Luncheon
Guest speaker: Tonya Reiman
The Henry, Dearborn
For more info:

Shabbat Oct. 24-25
Join the international celebration of Shabbat with The Shabbos Project.

Wednesday October 29 (7:30pm)

Film Screening

Body and Soul:The State of the Jewish Nation

The Berman Center for Performing Arts

West Bloomfield JCC

Post-screening discussion with producer/director Gloria Greenfield and Rev. Dr. DeeDee Coleman

Tickets available from The Berman Box Office: 248-661-1900


Plus there will be a Detroit screening Thursday October 30

6:00pm – Russell Street Missionary Baptist Church 

8700 Chrysler Freeway Drive

Buffet reception followed by screening

Post-screening discussion with Rev. Dr. DeeDee Coleman and producer/director Gloria Greenfield

Open to the public at no charge

Sunday November 9th
Holocaust Memorial Center Dinner at Congregation Shaarey Zedek honoring Dr. Richard K. Stoler with guest speaker Alan Dershowitz.
Saturday November 22 (6:30pm)
The Benefit II in support of the Children’s Tumor Foundation to help fight Neurofibromatosis.
Detroit Marriott at the Ren.Cen.
Hosted by Jennifer and Dan Gilbert
For more info: Joyce Keller at 313-202-6606 or
This week’s birthdays and Celebrations:
Oct. 10th
Israel and Egypt sign Sinai Accord in 1975
Oct. 11th
Kevin Dorn (Peace’s Dad)
Lisa Moed (Yuval’s wife)
Oct. 12th
Bunky Elyakin (best friend)
Eva Kaplan (Diane’s mom)
Oct. 13th
Beatlemania is coined in 1963 after London Palladium concert
Oct. 14th
Elie Wiesel wins Nobel Peace Prize in 1986
Oct. 15th
Lisa Beckwith Weisman (former neighbor, Franklin Fairway)
Randy Orley (also former neighbor, Palmer Woods)
Terri Orbuch (Josh’s mom)
Oct. 16th
Idan Percy (former houseguest)
Ron Oberstein (Camp Sea-Gull Alum)
Hilary Wolf Borman (Stuart’s wife)

Blue Stripes

Shabbat Shalom October 10, 2014

System Update

Shabbat Emails
System Update
Dear Friends and Family,

I’m doing a system update of my Shabbat email list. If you prefer to be taken off this list or if you have a friend that wants to be added, please let me know.
Also, I’ve been told that some messages are being caught by spam filters, so if you miss a week’s email (sent every Friday 6:00am Eastern Standard Time), please check your spam folder.
Enjoy your week,


System Update

Shabbat Shalom October 3, 2014

Happy Birthday Brian Kepes!
October 3, 2014
Dear family and friends,
Needed Enlightenment
Though we are progressing in years it doesn’t seem we, as a global society, are progressing in enlightenment.  The time for Shari Lewis’ lamb chop and Leo the Lion to share a hug is fading in the distance.  The destructive nature of hatred has become cyclical rather than descending and it looks like we are in an upswing with the world’s eruption of hostility.  I hope my pessimistic view is altered in the near future with more enlightened leaders and citizens so our children can live in a more peaceful world.
Gmar Chatima Tova
In our corner of the world, in our community, hatred is frowned upon and discouraged.  We are supposed to love one another and treat all with respect.  This past week, Jews have been asking family, friends, neighbors, associates, God…even ourselves for forgiveness as tomorrow, when we fast and repent on Yom Kippur, we all hope to be Sealed in the Book of Life for another year.
Appropriate Balance
As we are (hopefully and gratefully) sealed each year in the Book of Life, we are constantly making choices on how to live our lives to the best of our ability.  And with technological advancements that aid in our existence, we need to find that sweet balance between “assistance and invasion”. Here is a poetic reminder of what’s important:
The death toll from the Japanese Mount Ontake‘s eruption is rising as unsuspecting hikers were caught as the volcano blew toxic gas, rock and ash from its core this past weekend. Nearly 50 people have died with still others missing.  The volcano continues to spew gas and rock hampering the rescue mission. Our prayers are with the victim’s families and survivors.
Mount Ontake, Japan
Occupy Movement
More news, this week, from the Far Eastern Hemisphere as riots exploded in Hong Kong when pro-democracy protesters took to the street in their Occupy Central movement which commenced to the offense of Police and pepper spray.  The protest continued throughout the week as China’s National Day was celebrated on Wednesday. The streets are still full but calmness has set in. Hong Kongers hope their peaceful protest about the upcoming election will be met with compromise by Beijing.
Hong Kong’s Financial District
Halted Traffic
20 years and 1/4 million dollars could be the punishment bestowed upon Brian Howard for setting ablaze the Chicago Air Traffic Control Center which caused major traffic snares last weekend. From Mr. Howard’s Facebook postings, it looks like he was under distress and quite depressed as his final posting was a suicide messages.
Each week I spend a great deal of time scouring the internet for interesting and factual information to include in these weekly Shabbat emails. I enjoy the research process as it helps me become more aware of what’s going on in my community…near and far. But, did you know, over 4 billion people (3/4 of our world’s population) don’t have access to the internet AT ALL. Check out this solution of free access to the internet, called Outernet, which could have rippling positive affects on our global societies.  If you want more info on this intriguing concept, please contact Thane Richardsat  And by the way, the Outernet video was filmed in an abandoned warehouse in Detroit.
Dallas is reeling from the discovery of an Ebola infected Liberian who is now hospitalized. Quarantines have been initiated for his family as he is recovers from the virus. The exchange of bodily fluids while showing signs of the illness is the ONLY way, currently, to contract this deadly disease and it seems he wasn’t ill on the flight and hopefully he didn’t spread the virus to his family. A surge of research and funding is needed to bring containment, treatments and cures to those suffering, since experts have concerns that a mutation of the virus could become airborne if this epidemic continues to spread.
UN GA 2014
All the Big Wigs spoke at this week’s United Nations General Assembly but not much new was said.  Mahmoud Abbas demanded a timeline for a complete Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank.  Bibi compared ISIS, Iran and Hamas to the Nazis as they all believe in a superior Race or Faith.  Obama spoke about the attack on Jihadism but all of these speeches paled in comparison to these greatest moments in UN General Assembly history:
More UN News
This week, Actress Emma Thompson introduced the gender equality movement call HeForShe  While Father Gabriel Naddaf (who lives in Israel) urged the UN to stop the “Witch Hunt” against Israel since it is the ONLY country in the region that ALLOWS Freedom of Religion.
And this speech by Anne Bayefsky about the UN’s lack of attention to Global Anti-semitism is well worth the watch:
UN image from 1955
Always Israel
There are NO other atrocities in the world more hedious than the Israel/Gaza conflict for activists to fix.  Proof of this is the constant protest against the Israeli commercial industry. Again this week (as it also occurred in August), an Israeli cargo ship was prevented from docking and unloading at the port of Oakland, Ca when 200 protesters prevented dock workers from doing their jobs. Who are these 200 people?  Are they all Palestinians or are they uneducated, misguided, bias activist who are blinded by easily believed lies about Israel.
Singing in Unison
I know you are the choir.  You love and respect Israel as I do, otherwise you wouldn’t be receiving these emails. But maybe you can pass this video along to someone who doesn’t know the true, real, vibrant democratic Israel.  Take a peek at this unscripted 6 minute snapshot of the tiny yet often attacked county.
Tel Aviv
I LOVE Ellen DeGeneres and find her hilarious.  I hope you enjoy her edited Lincoln commercial with Matthew McConaughey:
Ellen and Matthew
Wishing you and your loved ones a Sweet and Peaceful Shabbat Shalom, an Easy Fast (for those fasting) and a Gmar Chatima Tova (your named sealed in the Book of Life).

Baby Arrivals
Congrats to the wonderful Kellman family as Joel and Betsy Kellman embrace their 3rd grandchild, Grey Rachel Kellman, daughter to Yoni and Jami Kellman.
Congrats to first-time grandparents, Bill and Hillary as they welcome Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky, daughter to former first daughter, Chelsea and husband Marc Mezvinsky.  
And last but not least, mazel tov to new parents, Kivuli and Jabari, after a 15 month pregnancy, their baby boy arrived this week at 150 lbs/ 6 feet at our wonderful Detroit Zoo.  Can’t wait for the baby naming.
Kol Hakavod 
(“All the Respect”)
Mazel Tov to well-deserving Butzel award winner, Richard Krugel, as he received his honor this week.  Our community is indebted to you, Sally and your family for your dedication to Tikkun Olam.
Congrats to the State of Califonia and their trusted Governor Jerry Brown for signing the Bill this week to be the first State in our Union to ban single-use plastic shopping bags though cheers are tempered as the plastic bag manufacturers vow to fight this battle through the ballot box.
Bravo to our Detroit Tigers on clinching their 4th (in a row) American League Central Division Championship Title.

Condolences to Marianne and Robert Bloomberg and their family on the passing of their beloved grandmother, Belle Dubrinsky. May her memory and spirit be a blessing onto her family and friends.

Condolences to the family and friends of Erma Elders on her passing this week.  Erma was a pioneer in the Detroit Auto industry as the first woman in Metro Detroit to own a car dealership (after her husband died in1983) which she went on to build into one of the largest woman-owned businesses in the country. Erma was also a generous philanthropist who gave back to our wonderful community.
Hall of Shame

Sadly the 11th house of the Heidleberg Project was vandalized and burned this week.  Unfortunately, arson has plagued this art project for the last year with no leads on the perpetrators.

Tune into Detroit Public TV on Oct. 12th (6pm) to witness our Michigan gubernatorial candidates (Governor Synder and Mark Schauer) square off at a Town Hall style debate to discuss the issues near and dear to our State.
32 Days and counting till Nov.4th
There are about 200 million eligible voters in US.
Nearly 150 Million registered to vote.
Presidential elections generally get a turnout in the mid 50%.
Midterm elections (like this one) get a turnout in the mid 30%.
Let’s change that dismal Stat!  Please encourage everyone toGet Out To Vote (GOTV).  You can preview your ballot and research your decisions online at
There is lots to research so I hope you find this site helpful.
Vote ahead of time
Absentee ballots are currently available to request at your county clerks office.  You can even fill it out and submit it right then and there, or they can take it home and mail it back anytime before the Nov. 4th election.  Also, new for this year in Michigan, you can request your absentee ballot on your smartphone:
For other States, you can contact the county clerks office in your city.
Now till Oct. 18th
Please help our dear friend, David Broza, with his Indiegogo Crowd-funding project to help complete the film documentary of East Jerusalem West Jerusalem.  Any and all investments welcome with great perks and gifts available. If you have been procrastinating, please join the team, now. Thanks.
Sunday October 5th (7:00pm)
Candidate Forum at
The Birmingham Temple
28611 West 12 Mile Road
Farmington Hills, MI 48334
RSVP to 248.477.1410
Monday October 6th
Yad Ezra will be honoring (worthy recipients) Anita and Bob Naftaly at their annual event held at Congregation Shaarey Zedek.
Tuesday October 7th
We will be celebrating our 10th anniversary of the Mothers, Daughters, Sisters, Friends luncheon which benefits the West Bloomfield Henry Ford Breast Care and Wellness Center.  We are teaming up with the Detroit Lions this year as the Luncheon will be at Ford Field in Detroit.  For additional information please contact Ashley Abaloz at (313) 874-6139 or
Tuesday October 14th (6:45pm-8:30pm)
Emily’s List conversation on the importance of electing women.
With US House candidates: Pam Byrnes, Debbie Dingell and Brenda Lawrence.
At the home of Nina Dodge Abrams
For more info and address click on website or contact Emily Beardsley at or 202-419-1075

Thursday Oct. 16th
Please join us at Eastern Market Corporation Inaugural Harvest Celebration in historic Shed 3.  For more info, please contact Tracy Rivard at (313) 833-9300, ext. 113 or

Thursday Oct. 23rd
ReMarkable Women Luncheon
Guest speaker: Tonya Reiman
The Henry, Dearborn
For more info:

Shabbat Oct. 24-25
Join the international celebration of Shabbat with The Shabbos Project.

Wednesday October 29 (7:30pm)

Film Screening

Body and Soul:The State of the Jewish Nation

The Berman Center for Performing Arts

West Bloomfield JCC

Post-screening discussion with producer/director Gloria Greenfield and Rev. Dr. DeeDee Coleman

Tickets available from The Berman Box Office: 248-661-1900


Plus there will be a Detroit screening Thursday October 30

6:00pm – Russell Street Missionary Baptist Church 

8700 Chrysler Freeway Drive

Buffet reception followed by screening

Post-screening discussion with Rev. Dr. DeeDee Coleman and producer/director Gloria Greenfield

Open to the public at no charge

Sunday November 9th
Holocaust Memorial Center Dinner at Congregation Shaarey Zedek honoring Dr. Richard K. Stoler with guest speaker Alan Dershowitz.
Saturday November 22 (6:30pm)
The Benefit II in support of the Children’s Tumor Foundation to help fight Neurofibromatosis.
Detroit Marriott at the Ren.Cen.
Hosted by Jennifer and Dan Gilbert
For more info: Joyce Keller at 313-202-6606 or
Happy Healthy Birthday to this week’s celebrants:
Oct. 3rd
Brian Kepes
Oct. 4th
Ruth Beitner
Neal Krasnick
Oct. 5th
Patty Tapper
Steve Pestka
Wendy Rose Bice
Oct. 6th
Anessa Kramer
Oct. 7th
Eli Saulson
Ilana Liss
Josh Bennett
Miryam Rosensweig
Oct. 8th
Brad Benyas
Deborah Orley Rubyan
Ester Rubyan
Gregg Orley
Yehoshua Lis
Oct. 9th
Graham Orley

Blue Stripes


Shabbat Shalom October 3, 2014