Shabbot Shalom May 30, 2014

Shabbat Shalom and Hag Shavuot Sameach
May 30, 2014

Dear Friends and Family,

Sorrowful Week
“If it Bleeds it Leads” is the Newspaper motto that sadly describes this week in review.  The headlines reflect the death toll from European anti-semitism, honor killing in Pakistan and a lethal combination of mental health, misogyny and easy access to weaponry in California. Hatred is just too prevalent in our human society, whether it’s hatred of Jews, hatred of Women or hatred in general.  We are born as clean slates, yet the vast amount of images and messages we encounter during our formative years can meld a weak psyche into sickness and cause him to erupt. Please see the below tribute to Maya Angelou and her quote regarding Hatred.

Learned Hatred
Four innocent souls (2 Israeli) were shot by a crazed gunman as he casually walked into the Brussels Jewish Museum, fired off his riffle and walked out. He still hasn’t been caught.  A few hours later and 160 miles SW in Paris more anti-semitism occurred as 2 young Jewish brothers were attacked near their Synagogue. Sadly, these anti-semitic attacks reiterate the recent ADL global survey which found (not surprisingly) a heightened rate of Global Anti-semitism.  A few disturbing points from the survey indicates that just over 1 Billion people are anti-semitic and more than 1/2 of those polled had NEVER heard of the Holocaust. Here is the full report of the survey:
Society Sickness
Hatreds, like Anti-semitism and Misogyny, are societal plagues. Hatred of women stems from our long history of inequality.  Still today (in many societies), Women are considered 2nd class citizens. Honor killings occur everyday with minimal repercussion. Just this week a Pakistani woman was beaten to death by her family:

Even in our very enlighten, modern, democratic United States of America, Women still fight for equal status, equal opportunities, equal Pay and Women’s Choice. But the worst case scenario are the Women Haters or Misogynist.  These people, like the California killer, have taken the extra leap into a delusional state thinking all women have been placed on this Earth to obey them. Sadly, this guy was pathological and obsessed with (the lack of) wealth and women and with easy, legal access to guns, he took 6 innocent people with him to death.  Will these mass killings ever end?  Will the All-Mighty NRA ever value Life over Lust and Loot (of the gun industry).  Things won’t change until we stand up against those like Joe the Plumber who “eloquently” expresses their beliefs that “Your Dead Kids Don’t Trump My Constitutional Rights” To Have Guns.

 We need:
 -Sensible Background Checks
 -Assault Weapons Ban 
– Responsible Legislators

OK, enough hatred and violence.  Onto Cheesecake and Torah, as this week concludes our Omer Count with the upcoming holiday of Shavuot, which celebrates when we were given the Torah and Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai. It is customary to eat “Milk and Honey” and to participate in an all-night Torah study session.

Also, this past week was Yom Yerushalayim (Jerusalem Day) celebrating the re-unification of Yerushalayim Shel Zahav (Jerusalem of Gold). An appropriate time to visit the City of Gold as Pope Francis did this week. Here is a beautiful rendition (with english translation) of the iconic Jerusalem song and a few Pope sightings:

 Happy Jerusalem Day – reunited since 1967

Pope in Israel 

 Kotel (Western Wall)


 Herzl’s grave


  Yad Vashem (Holocaust Memorial)

JF Board and Teen Effort
Kudos to the board of our local Jewish Fund for their righteous decision to contribute $60,000 to collaborate with various funeral homes to give dignified burials to 200 unclaimed bodies that have been housed (for years in some cases) at the Wayne County morgue. Our community is very proud of the Jewish Fund efforts throughout the years. Now, they are extending this philanthropic education to Teens in our region as they have established a Youth Foundation Board.  This is an amazing opportunity for any Jewish Teen entering 10th or 11th grade to participate in our local philantropy. For more info, please check out their website: or contact Martha Goldberg at or (248)642-4741


High School can be a treacherous minefield with peer pressure, exam pressure and college pressure. Making brave choices during these (sometimes) awkward and defining years takes courage.  To add Mental Illness to this mix of self-consciousness makes life even harder but these two Ann Arbor girls seem to have mustered up a whopping amount of strength to bring Mental Illness out in the open and help remove the stigma. Their school wasn’t ready for that brave step so they wrote their story “Depressed but not ashamed” in an article that was picked up by the New York Times.  Bravo to them:

Detroit Beauty
Bravo to Erica Gerson as she chairs Detroit’s Land Bank Authority to deal with the blight and abandon properties in our City. It’s a daunting job yet Erica and her team are up for the challenge.

In Our Lifetime
OK, I’ve increased the font for this topic as I think it is the Brightest Idea since Slice Bread.  If this could be accomplished, it would solve almost all of our Country’s Major Concerns (Energy, Jobs, Environment… the list goes on). This Solar Roadway Project is TRULY brilliant but not sure if it is feasible. Check it out for yourself with this creative video:

Pursuit of Peace
On June 14th the Presbyterian church will hold it’s General Assembly conference in our great city of Detroit.  Sadly, this organization is not our Jewish Community’s BFF.  Among many topics debated will again be the stance to Boycott, Divest and Sanction (BDS) Israel. A petition of Peace signed by Clergy and Clergy students is being circulated and I urge all Clergy to sign.

Wishing you and your loved ones a Sweet Shabbat Shalom and a Happy Shavuot Sameach,


 “To live in the hearts left behind is not to die” – Thomas Campbell

Maya Angelou
The world of Poetry, Literature and Civil Rights lost a great contributor with this week’s passing of Maya Angelou at age 86. Though her world started out with abuse and violence, she overcame adversity with beauty, grace and inspiration.  Her words will forever resonate in our country’s consciousness.

Michigan Primary is Aug. 5th
National Election is Nov. 4th
All US Citizens who are or will be 18 by Nov. 4th are eligible to vote. You can register to vote by mail; at your county, city, or township clerk’s office; or by visiting any Secretary of State branch office.

This site can also answer all your Election questions including info on a sample ballot so you can prepare for your vote.

Progressive Detroit
Kudos to all who assisted in the progress of our Detroit Grand Bargain as it passed in our Michigan House last week.  Shame on the Koch Brothers (who don’t even live here and shouldn’t stick their noses in our business) as they tried to sabotage the Grand Bargain passage with this threat:  “Americans for Prosperity will tap its deep pockets and activist network to get Republicans this message, if you vote for the grand bargain, we’ll make your life difficult in the next election”.  Let’s Keep the Koch Brothers OUT of Michigan.

A compromise on our Michigan Minimum wage was reached this week as we join 7 other States who have raised their wages this year. Kudos, also, to the GAP and its sister retailers who will raise their wages to $10 by next year.

Did you Know?
As ObamaCare is being rolled out and we get
familiar with some of its well known aspects, lets not forget about some of the fine details most don’t know about.  Here are 21 positive attributes of the Affordable Care Act you can share at your dinner table discussion:

Climate Change Concerns
If you are concerned about our environment and the effects of our Climate Change on our planet, then you might want to attend this NYC effort on Sept. 20th/21st  Here are the details:

US Congress
Please join us for a fundraiser at our home Monday June 2nd(5:30pm) to help Pam Byrnes campaign for US Congress. For more info: Kelly Tebay at or 734-253-2282

Women’s Health/Equality Discussion
Please join this Discussion Luncheon on Monday June 23rd (Noon-1:30) at the Home of Andrea and Larry Wolfe in support of Ryan Fishman’s candidacy for MI State Senate. There is no fee to attend but space is limited.  Please contact Ericka at 248-890-4394 or to RSVP and for more details.

Gary Peters event Please save the date of Sunday June 29th at 4:00pm for a reception to support Gary Peters for U.S. Senate at Doreen Hermelin’s home.  Proof of Gary’s opponent’s inexperience and lack of knowledge was on display this week at the Mackinaw Policy Conference when she was unable to credibly answer a question on Net Neutrality.  For info on the June 29th event, please contact Hy Safran at or 248 631 4929.

August 17-22 – Maccabi Athlete Housing
Our community needs about 800 host families to house approximately 1,500 visiting athletes and artists the week of
August 17-22.  Its a fun commitment that helps connect our community and gives us the opportunity to meet wonderful young people from all over the world.
This week’s celebrants are…
  May 30th
Herminie Cadolle invented the first bra
on this day in Paris in1889
May 31st
Lisa Rosberg Leve
Bassie Shemtov
Dr. Irvin Kappy
Stephanie Curhan
June 1st
Wyatt Levin
June 2nd
Sue Folbe Curhan
Mike Binder
June 3rd
Joel Kelman
June 4th
Carly Mark
June 5th
Chris Mark
Janie Liebowitz
If you’d like a birthday mentioned in these emails, please confirm I have it in my system.

For those who are forwarded this message by a friend or read it on Facebook, you can receive your own version each Friday morning at 6am by clicking on the above button.

Please excuse my typos, misspellings and human errors.  Thanks.

Shabbot Shalom May 30, 2014

Shabbot Shalom May 23, 2014

Shabbat Shalom
May 23, 2014

Dear Friends and Family,

Monday is our country’s opportunity to pay tribute to our fallen soldiers and to give thanks to those who fought to maintain the Freedoms that make this country stellar and respected. Deep gratitude is due to all those who have served our county.

Self Evident
Those Freedoms include the equal rights and protections for ALL Americans as our diversity is the strength of our country.  In every aspect of our Selves (religion, politics, education, talent, skin color, partner preference…) we fall within a spectrum. Yet, depending on where you fit, could effect your rights.  This video, Self Evident Truth, spells out that equality in our county is anything but Equal.

It is no surprise the overwhelmed VA Hospitals are providing SUBstandard care from their inability to handle the influx of patients from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. It has been reported that 40 veterans have died while waiting to receive medical care. Upon returning from sacrificing their lives, Vets should be showered with Efficient Medical Care, Educational Funds, Job Opportunities and Respect. We need to do a much better job in all of these areas.


Most Graceful
Heros come in all shapes and forms and two that top my list areGabby Giffords and Malala Yousafzai.  Time Magazine selected this year’s 100 most influence people ( and wisely included Malala Yousafzai (Pakistani youth shot by Talaban for her educational demands). Incidentally, I love how Malala follows Robert Redford and Pope Frances on the list. Anyway, Gabby Giffords was given the honor (appropriately) to write Malala’s tribute. Here are Gabby’s words of praise:

“In the face of oppression and bitter injustice, she demands education and opportunity. In the face of violence from the hands of cowards, she refuses to back down. Malala is a testament that women everywhere will not be intimidated into silence. We will make our voices heard. We will speak, no matter how hard it is to do so.”  
Natures Attack
The Balkans (Bosnia and Serbia) are experiencing the worst floods in recorded history as the death toll continues to rise while 150,000 people have been displaced.  To add insult to injury, landmines are now becoming exposed due to the flood waters. Wishing the region a speedy recovery from this horrific act of Mother Nature (mixed in with a bit of manmade climate change help).
                                 Balkan Flooding

Prideful Award
Bravo to Jay Leno for his words of support: “At some point in your life, you have to sort of take sides. I tend to side with the Jewish point of view on many things, especially issues like this one. I realize how important Israel is”.  Jay Leno is in Israel this week to host the$1Million Genesis Prize Ceremony where (former mayor) Michael Bloomberg will be the first recipient of the “Jewish Nobel Peace Prize”.  Kol Hakavod to both Michael B. and Jay L. on this week’s honors.

                                     Jay and Bibi

Separation Needed
Shame on our Supreme Court for thier decision this month allowing prayer at local government meetings from a case brought forth by Greece, NY (near Rochester).  This is a blatant slap in the face to our Separation of Church and State intent which is referenced in the First Amendment of our Constitution.

Voters Rights
Arkansas’ new ID Required Voter Law snagged its own Governor Asa Hutchinson as he turned up to vote WITHOUT Identification. He dispatched an aid to retrieve his ID but how many others would have this same assistance when trying to assert their basic right to vote. This law has already been ruled unconstitutional and hopefully will be overruled.

Freedoms Denied
Last week I mentioned the brave Iranian women who were shedding their head scarfs and posting their photos on Facebook. I don’t know if any of them got in trouble, but this week several Iranians were arrested for joining the global movement of posting a Youtube of men and women dancing to the song “Happy”.   As we appreciate our Freedom of Speech during this Memorial Day Weekend, feel free to view the video that got the Iranians in trouble.

Strange Creatures
Protecting our wildlife is vital for the protection of all living beings. Take a look at these strange species:

Say Good-Bye
For nearly 3/4 of a decade, Tunnel BBQ has been a staple for those occasional Windsor visits.. until now.  The famed restaurant will be closing it doors this September to make room for the expansion of the University of Windsor.  Nothing last forever as times change.

Cool Video
From Windsor to Detroit.  Please enjoy this cool time-lapsed peak at the sites of Detroit:

Help Needed
Bravo to JPMorgan and Jamie Dimon for the $100 Million investment in Detroit.  Every action has a reason but what difference does it make if the REaction has a positive effect on our City. Yes, the Banks were the cause of our national recession, so let them help with the revitalization.  Let JPMorgan be the catalyst for others to cough up some cash.
Wishing you and your family a Sweet and Peaceful Shabbat Shalom and a pleasant holiday weekend,



2nd best JT
My musical interests are eclectic as this week’s chosen video includes the talents of (my 2nd favorite JT) Justin Timberlake and the spirit of Michael Jackson.  Lots of amazing dancing and a catchy beat:

JT joins forces
Speaking of my favorite JT (James Taylor), it has just been announced that he will collaborate with Smokey Robinson and Elton John on a new Duets album due out this September.

JT this Summer
Summer concerts on our calendar are James Taylor on July 27th at Pine Knob (Old School Name) and Hall & Oats on Sept. 21st at Freedom Hill.

Michigan Primary is Aug. 5th
National Election is Nov. 4th

All US Citizens who are or will be 18 by Nov. 4th are eligible to vote. You can register to vote by mail; at your county, city, or township clerk’s office; or by visiting any Secretary of State branch office.

This site can also answer all your Election questions including info on a sample ballot so you can prepare for your vote.

Please join us for a fundraiser at our home Monday June 2nd(5:30pm) to help Pam Byrnes campaign for US Congress. For more info: Kelly Tebay at or 734-253-2282
This week’s celebrants are…
  May 23rd
Les Grosinger
Sue Ellen Kaufman
May 24th
Robby Weinbaum
Jodie Krasnick
May 25th
Arthur Horwitz
Amanda Orley
May 26th
Marcia Balonick
May 27th
Marc Stanley
(George Clooney’s new best friend)
May 28th
Linda Lee (of blessed memory)
Shari Finsilver
Tzachi Shani
May 29th
Rachel Portnoy
Ariella and Tzvi’s 3rd anniversary
If you’d like a birthday mentioned in these emails, please confirm I have it in my system.

For those who are forwarded this message by a friend or read it on Facebook, you can receive your own version each Friday morning at 6am by clicking on the above button.

Please excuse my typos, misspellings and human errors.  Thanks.

Shabbot Shalom May 23, 2014

Shabbot Shalom May 16, 2014

Shabbat Shalom from Jerusalem May 16, 2014

Dear Friends and Family,

Helping Hands
We are in Jerusalem to participate in the 100th year celebration of JDC (aka: The American Joint Distribution Committee) a world-wide rescue and relief agency which had a hand in supporting my in-laws (of blessed memory) during their travels from war-torn Europe to Israel in the mid 40s. Gratitude abounds for the past, present and future efforts of the JDC in assisting our extended Community.

Help Needed
Anger, frustration and sadness overwhelms the families of the Turkish Coal Mine disaster that has already stolen the lives of nearly 300 victims with still many more trapped beneath the rubble. My prayers go out the the family and friends of this disaster.

Friendly Support
Nigeria is Israel’s closest friend in Africa and has provided medical support during past terrorist incidents just as it has offered help this week to find the abducted schoolgirls. The Nigerian president Good Luck Jonathan has accepted Israel’s assistance while more brazen attacks continue to be perpetrated by the evil

Boko Haram thugs, this week killing 17 soldiers.  Through Israel’s short 65 years, it has developed (under necessity) an expertise in anti-terrorist tactics. The world is praying for the safe return of these daughters.

Pyromaniac’s Delight
The Omer is counted between the two anchor holidays of Passover and Shavuot that both represent the common theme of “Persecution to Freedom”. During this 49 day (semi-mourning) period, we aren’t suppose to shave, cut our hair, get married or “party”, but on Lag B’Omer (this Sunday) we take a break from the restrictions.  Traditionally, Bonfires are the form of celebration during this holiday as we look forward to attending the Bonfire at Jerusalem’s historic Biblical Zoo.

 (I must confess; I have slight pyromaniac tendencies) 

What’s in a Name?
For 400 hundred years a tiny town in Spain has kept its name as“Little Hill Fort of Jew Killers”.  Now the Mayor had decided the time might be right for a name modification, yet, hold your horses… there is some resistance.  After a bit of research, it was discovered that a large Jewish presence lived in the town but during the Inquisition, many chose to convert to Catholicism rather than leave.  So to prove they weren’t Jewish any longer, they added “of Jew Killers” to their original name of “Little Hill Fort” and it has stuck ever since. The push back about the name change is grounded in the fear of precedent-setting as they are concerned it will open up other towns to follow suit, which I assume would annoy Spanish map-makers.

Take a lesson…World
Dignity, respect, equality… this is how our Israeli society treats their special needs citizens.  Just as all young Israelis must serve in the military, so too do these special (proud) soldiers.  Israel is a unique society which values ALL its citizen regardless of their abilities. The families of these soilders are grateful for the opportunities their kids are provided, just like all their peers. Thanks, Alon Tolwin for sharing this message:

No dignity and respect for the (first) Israeli Prime Minister (Ehud Olmert) who was recently sentenced to a 6-year jail term for bribery.  This certainly puts an end to speculations of his future political career.

Bias Pledge
More indignities are occurring at UCLA (one of California’s many campuses which are bias against Israel).  Anyone running for Student Government is now requested to sign a pledge that states they will never participate on a free or co-sponsored Israel Trip (though Birthright, AIPAC or ADL). Most likely this action was initiated as a reaction to their February failed BDS vote.  Their attempt to eliminate pro-Israel voices from their Student Government is despicable, bigoted and ruthless.

More evidence this week proves of our manmade affects on our Climate as research indicates that there is no stopping the melting Ice Sheets in Antarctica which will (without a doubt) raise our sea levels.  This can NOT be good for those living near our coastal regions. Skeptics can hide their heads in the sand, but if you choose that route, I’d suggest you find some sand further from the shoreline.

A Book’s Cover
Eurovision is the HUGE and prestigious song contest (since 1956) that spotlights musical talents from all across Europe and Israel. Proudly, Israel has won 3 times but this year’s winner was a first for the contest.  A 25 year old Austrian bearded drag queen took home the grand prize.  Check out the amazing talents of Conchita Wurst
Bye, bye Barbara Walters and Carl Castle as they both retire this week from their TV and Radio shows, respectively.  Wishing Bye, Byes to Donald Sterling and Carl Rove as each time they open their mouths, Webster rolls in his grave for providing (racist and lying words (respectively) for them to spew.

“What we have once enjoyed, we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes part of us.” Helen Keller 

The patriarch of the Schostak family passed away this week at the age of 80.  Jerry Schostak created a beautiful legacy with his 4 sons (Bobby, David, Tzvi and Mark), his 2 daughters (Stephanie and Lindsay), their spouses and families.  His passions included business, philanthropy, sailing and skiing but it was strongly apparent that his family and wife, Elyse, were his most treasured passion.  May his spirit, love, life lessons and memories bring comfort to those who mourn his loss.

A family with a 125-year (bottling) business here in Detroit lost one of its descendants with the passing of Martin Jacob (age 87). May his spirit and memories bring comfort to his son, Joel and the rest of his family during their time of mourning.  


Michigan Primary is Aug. 5th
National Election is Nov. 4th
All US Citizens who are or will be 18 by Nov. 4th are eligible to vote.
You can register to vote by mail; at your county, city, or township clerk’s office; or by visiting any Secretary of State branch office.
This site can also answer all your Election questions including info on a sample ballot so you can prepare for your vote.

(Get Out The Vote)

Please help elect Gary Peters as our next MI Senator.  His opponent Terri Lynn Land is excessively funded and is now running her childhood story in new TV ads.  But this is the truth about that story:

Please join us for a fundraiser at our home Monday June 2nd(5:30pm) to help Pam Byrnes campaign for US Congress. For more info: Kelly Tebay at or 734-253-2282
Going to be in Ann Arbor this Sunday?  Please attend a fundraiser for Mark Schauer and Lisa Brown (May 18th @ 3:00-4:00pm) at the home of our dear friends, Neal and Bunky Elyakin (1300 Red Oak).  For more info, please contact Neal at 734-417-6094 or or
For those with 20 minutes to spare and a interest in the humor ofPresident Obama (quite funny), please enjoy his jokes from last week’s White House Correspondence dinner:
Community events
Please join me at the Jewish Working Women’s Series(sponsored by Federations Women’s Philanthropy) on Friday morning May 30th at 8:00am (7:15 networking and registration) at the Max M. Fisher Federation Building (6735 Telegraph Rd, BH). The wonderful speakers will be Marla Drutz and Sherry Margolis with Kelly Rogers Victor as moderator.  All three are amazing women!
August 17-22
Maccabi Athlete Housing
Our community needs about 800 host families to house approximately 1,500 visiting athletes and artists the week of August 17-22.  Its a fun commitment that helps connect our community and gives us the opportunity to meet wonderful young people from all over the world.
Michigan Bests
Looking for a Detroit area Art Festival this year, then look no further as here are the 12 Best Fests:
Empowerment and safety is my wish for the Iranian Women who are publicly shedding their Head Scarfs in this very brave protest movement:
By next summer (July 2015), all stores in the city of Chicago will be restricted from offering plastic bags to customers. Their city council approved the plastic bag ban this week making Chicago the largest US city to institute this environmental step.
Bravo to our Jewish Community Center‘s new year-roundElectronic Recycling Program for Computers, Cell Phones, Monitors, Mice (yes the computer ones), Speakers, DVD, Microwaves and much more.   Clear out your house, Save the Earth, Eliminate Landfill waste, with a bonus Financially help for the JCC. The recycling bin at the West Bloomfield JCC is between the double glass doors at the main entrance and the bin in at the Oak Park JCC is near the back with the other recycling containers. For more info, please contact Randy Gavorin at 248-432-5452 or
This week’s celebrants are…
  May 16th
Amy Shefman
Mark Lit
Liz Schubiner
May 17th
Regina Colton
May 18th
Elise Benyas
Michael Maddin
Sosie Berg
May 19th
Joel Kahn
May 20th
Ashley Wainer Oleshansky
Brian Adelman
Nathan Upfal
Nancy Rands
Vadim Avshalom
May 21st
John Steinberg
Sally Orley
Trudi Weinman
May 22nd
Beth Liberson Brandvain
Betsy Appleton
Rochelle Upfal
Ken Korotkin
Sorry if I’ve missed yours.  If you’d like a birthday mentioned in these emails, please confirm I have it in my system.

For those who are forwarded this message by a friend or read it on Facebook, you can receive your own version each Friday morning at 6am by clicking on the above button.

Please excuse my typos, misspellings and human errors.  Thanks.

Shabbot Shalom May 16, 2014

Shabbot Shalom May 9, 2014

Shabbat Shalom May 9, 2014

Dear Friends and Family,

Mother Theresa, Marge Simpson, Mommy Dearest...whomever is your role model, it is time to express gratitude to the mother figures in your life. Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers, especially my own mother, Florine, who has helped heal the world with her passion for health and well-being and to our daughter, Ariella, who will be celebrating her first Mother’s Day.

Human Terror
Prayers and well wishes go out the mothers of the kidnapped Nigerian school girls with, sadly, more kidnappings this week. May the near future allow them to embrace their daughters with their safe return from the grips of their evil terrorist captors.  The leader of this horrific Boko Haram gang is a severely twisted being ( I can’t even call him human).  He continues to reek havoc and must be stopped.
Weather’s Terror
Prayers also go out the the Afghanistan village that lost 2,000 people in the worst mudslides in their nation.
Jewish Home
Did you know that Metro Detroit is the most affordable place to raised a Jewish Family.  Here is the full list with Detroit winning the top honor and Palo Alto, CA as the most expensive:
Sharia Law
Brunei is definitely NOT on the list of good places to raise a Jewish Family as Brunei’s Sultan (also known as the richest man in the world) declared that Sharia Law will be the country’s ruling edict.  Violators of these rules against theft, adultery, abortions, homosexuality and much more could be condemned to Lashings, Amputations, Honor Killing, Stoning and Death.  Pure barbaric behavior for the 21st Century.

Look Up
Start small, like pocketing it during dinner.  Certainly, never look at it while driving.  It could be dangerous to use it in a Movie.  If we can wean ourselves off our smart phone dependencies, we will most likely increase our enjoyment of life’s experiences.  I know this youtube has gone viral (30 million views so far) and for good reason since it is truly worth the watch. Look up…Smell the Roses…Meet new people…It could change your life.  Thanks Sam Orley for helping to spread this message:

More Proof
I love reading the magazine Mental Floss and this month’s editions has some great advice (scientifically proven) about how to be lucky in life (and it goes along the lines of Looking Up). Mainly the article says the most “lucky” people are the ones who are LESS laser focused and leave MORE room in their lives to random acts of encounters. Stroll a bookstore, speak to strangers at the coffee shop, attend new events, expand your social network.  This has been the secret “lucky” tool for highly successful people.

Hamas executed two Palestinians this week.  Their crime… collaborating with Israelis.

How can the PA continue its partnership with Hamas?  Besides there blatant disregard of Human Life, the Hamas Charter states its main goal as “striving to raise the banner of Allah over every inch of Palestine”.  Not sure how there can be a Two-State Solution with their definitive interest in the elimination of our Jewish Homeland.  Yet we still have Hatikva (The Hope).  In the meantime, the rest of the world still has a double standard for Israel as this cartoon reflects:

Justin Timberlake and Boy George (to name a few) didn’t bow to Israel’s critics as both have concerts scheduled there this month. Plus, here is a great quote from Mick Jagger: “We’ve beenslammed and smacked and twittered a lot by the anti-Israeli side; all I can say is: anything worth doing is worth overdoing. So we decided to add a concert.”  Happy 66th Birthday to our Jewish Homeland. May she enjoy some Peace and Quiet in her aging years.
Wishing you and your family a Sweet and Peaceful Shabbat Shalom,


If you are a fan of the TV show House and the British actor, Huge Laurie (who played an American doctor), you may also enjoy his musical talents as he tickles the Ivories with this wonderful rendition of St. James Infirmary: The first half of this 5 minute video is instrumental and the 2nd half has his vocals.

“The life of the dead is placed in the memory of the living.”
Marcus Tullius Cicero

I have a window in my office I often gaze out of while writing these emails.  If I’m at my desk at 8:00am or 4:00pm, I would often see our wonderful neighbor Sol Panush (z’l) take his daily walks.  I could set my watch to his regularity.  Also, each Friday afternoon, my husband and his friend Brian Kepes would see him dine with his family at Leeza’s.  Sadly, Sol passed away this week at the age of 94 after filling a lifetime with his passion for Automotive Color, History, Travel, Books, Hebrew, The Flying Tigers and especially his (large loving) family. He was an author, scholar and inventor. Here is a beautiful quote from one of his books dedicated to his wife Sylvia Panush (z’l), “The fullness of my soul in all these years and future years vibrates with a love that endures, that cannot disappear”.  His spirit too will not disappear. May his love and memories bring comfort to his daughter Illana (Greenberg) and son-in-law, Danny, their children and his entire family. The neighborhood won’t be the same without this sweet soul.

Michigan Primary is Aug. 5th
National Election is Nov. 4th
All US Citizens who are or will be 18 by Nov. 4th are eligible to vote.
You can register to vote by mail; at your county, city, or township clerk’s office; or by visiting any Secretary of State branch office.

This site can also answer all your Election questions including info on a sample ballot so you can prepare for your vote.
(Get Out The Vote)

Please help support the campaign of Mark Schauer to become our next Michigan Governor by attending a fundraiser on Sunday May 18th (3:00-4:00pm) at the home of dear friends Neal and Bunky Elyakin (1300 Red Oak) in Ann Arbor.  For more info and to RSVP please contact Neal at 734-417-6094 or or visit
Please help elect our next Michigan Senator, Gary Peters, who voted for, supports and promises to protect the Affordable (Health) Care Act (ACA).  This week the US House (Republicans) called upon Health Insurance Executives to testify about ACA and to the disappointment of the GOP, these executives praised our ObamaCare.  Of course, there was discussion of areas where the ACA can be improved but trying to repeal it FIFTY times is a waste of our limited legislative time.  Here is the article from this week’s NYTimes:
  Health Insurance Executive in DC this week
Community events
August 17-22
Maccabi Athlete Housing
Our community needs about 800 host families to house approximately 1,500 visiting athletes and artists the week ofAugust 17-22.  Its a fun commitment that helps connect our community and gives us the opportunity to meet wonderful young people from all over the world.
Mazel Tov to Fern Kepes and Nancy Goldman on receiving their well deserved Leadership Awards at the Planned Parenthood luncheon.
Mazel Tov to Andi Wolfe on receiving the (inaugural)
DOVE AWARD from the Grand Circle of Women at The Jewish Hospice & Chaplaincy Network.
Congrats to all College Grads!
May you continue to grow and prosper.
Bravo to all Teachers during this National Teacher Appreciation Week though, quite frankly, they deserve Appreciation ALL Year.
Missed from last week…
May 3rd
Hadassa Raviv (Our granddaughter’s 1/2 birthday)
This week’s celebrants are…
  May 9th
Julie Bodnick
Paula Lebowitz
May 10th
Paul Magy
Elanah Nachman Hunger
May 11th (Mother’s Day)
Brianna Mark (Happy 21st)
May 12th
Barbara Horowitz
Rachel Berg
Shira Elyakin (Happy 21st)
Jason Fisher
Mitch Rosenwasser
May 13th
Brian Satovsky
May 14th
Bob Mattler
Nir Buchler
May 15th
Micki Berg
Brenda Steuer
If you’d like a birthday mentioned in these emails, please confirm I have it in my system.

For those who are forwarded this message by a friend or read it on Facebook, you can receive your own version each Friday morning at 6am by clicking on the above button.

Please excuse my typos, misspellings and human errors.  Thanks.

Shabbot Shalom May 9, 2014

Shabbot Shalom May 2, 2014

Shabbat Sholam May 2, 2014

Dear Friends and Family,

Eliminate Bigotry
There should be ZERO tolerance for prejudice, racism and bigotry, but disgracefully, it persist and festers a lesion on our Human souls. It seems The Mighty Dollar trumps Compassionate Integrity. Mr. Sterling had a well documented racist history yet he was able to BUY recognition from the likes of the NAACP.   It’s disconcerting that some in this world continue to feel superior to others but when this absurdity comes from the ethos of one of “Our Own”, it is downright embarrassing.  Good riddance to the LA Clippers owners and bravo to NBA commissioner Adam Silver for his appropriate punishment of a Lifetime ban from the Sport and $2.5 million fine.  Hopefully this will send an meaningful message to other soulless bigots.

Freedom to Abuse
Nigerian Islamic Militants named Boko Haram (means Western Education is a Sin) have recently kidnapped hundreds of girls and young women from their boarding schools and most likely forced them into marriage or slavery.  Million of Nigerian children lack access to a safe education experience. Gordon Brown, UN’s Education envoy, is trying to assist with this issue and will meet with Nigerian President Good Luck Jonathan but this problem is rampant in his county.  Education is essential for a developing country and to prevent access to education is a Crime against Humanity. 
Years of Danger
This whole week was filled with severe storms throughout a vast swath of our country. 100 deadly tornadoes, torrential rainstorms heat-waves & Fires and massive flooding clabbered our States and stole the lives of 36 people. The severity in this weeks weather is unusual; In fact it seems this whole year has been unusual.  Are we to blame…?  Our climate is changing as it has for millions of years, BUT, has our human behavior tampered with our global and oceanic thermostat causing severe reactions. I’ve been watching an interesting Showtime documentary series called “Years of Living Dangerously” which spotlights the cause and affects of our human actions.  We need to make some serious changes in our (Global Population’s) behavior or the world we live in today be devastatingly different for our future generations.
Wrong Word
Here are John Kerry‘s words about Israel: “A two-state solution will be clearly underscored as the only real alternative. Because a unitary state winds up either being an apartheid state with second-class citizens – or it ends up being a state that destroys the capacity of Israel to be a Jewish state,” .  A BIG OOPS on using the word “Apartheid”.  Israel would never allow itself to get into a situation where the demographics would threaten our Jewish Majority.  Worst case scenario, Israel will have to disengage from the West Bank just as we did in Gaza, create a protective dome from any potential attacks and… PRAY for PEACE.  By the way, for Gary Peter’s articulate response to Sec. Kerry’s mischosen word, see the Political section below.

  From a wall in the Old City of Jerusalem.
“We” are the collective. 

Paying Tribute
Somber remembrance immediately follows joyful celebration this week in Israel (and for all Zionist) as Yom HaZikaron and Yom HaAtzmaut are commemorated.  Sunday evening marks the beginning of Israel’s recognition of her fallen solders and victims of terror and Monday evening starts the celebration of Israel’s Independence.  These two days are purposely connected to remind us to always look to the bright future especially after remembering the horrors of our past.  On Yom HaZikaron, at 10am in the morning, a 2-minute siren is hear throughout Israel as the whole nation comes to a halt.  Cars on the roads and highways stop and everyone stands at attention wherever they are.  It is truly a moving site to see.  Please join our Detroit commemoration of Yom HaZikaron this Sunday evening (promptly) at 5:30pm at the Berman Center at our West Bloomfield JCC.   There is no charge but they ask that everyone be seated by 5:15pm.   and please enjoy this musical video celebrating the HOPE we all have for Israel:

Haifa Healing Powers
Prayers and well wishes go to, Gennady Kernes, the Jewish Mayor of Ukraine’s 2nd largest city, as he is recovering at Haifa’s Rambam Hospital, from a gunshot wound sustained (this past Monday on Holocaust Remembrance Day) in his hometown of Kharkiv.  Though Anti-Semitism was not suspected in his assault, his recovery at the hands of our Jewish hospital may save his life.

Not a Jew
I take pride in the accomplishments of Jews around the world and have always assumed Seth Meyers was a member of our Tribe, but my mistake was corrected when I saw this entertaining clip from Seth, himself:

         Though he married a Jew 

Was a Jew
Sadly, this Jewish guy from NJ clearly got the WRONG message when he was brainwashed to become a radical Muslim spewing terrorist ideas that landed him in jail:

Who is a Jew
The saying goes… 2 Jews, 3 opinions. This week the Conference of Presidents (of Major Jewish Organizations) rejected entrance of J Street into their esteemed entity.  As mentioned several times in these emails, my Jewish Tent is Tall and Wide, welcoming all who believe in the continuity of our Peoplehood and security of our Homeland (all except Jews for Jesus or Messianic Jews as their beliefs contradict our identity).  So, as our opinions vary and continue to diverge, our acceptance, tolerance and coexistence with each-other should increase to maintain the united force we require to help sustain our future.

Wishing you and your family a Sweet and Peaceful Shabbat Shalom,


Bonus Track 1
Thanks, Michael Berke for posting this absolutely beautiful rendition of my favorite Beatle’s tune “In My Life”.  This version is performed on the Skjold Bass, by Rob Smith,  and it reflects a stunning version of the original.  Truly worth a listen…

Bonus Track 2
I don’t necessarily believe in ghosts or spirits, but this young (7 years old) girl must be channeling the vocal abilities of Ella Fitzgerald. Amazing… “Fly me to the moon”:

Bonus Track 3
I’ve spotlighted these amazing dancing in previous weeks.  Hope you enjoy this new video by these very talented Urban Dance Students:

“The life of the dead is placed in the memory of the living.”
Marcus Tullius Cicero

Bob Benyas (z’l)
Our community lost a treasured visionary with a talented eye for beauty, a WWII vet and a dear friend when Bob Benyas passed away this week at the age of 90 (and 1/2).  For years, Bob was the ever present photographer throughout our region capturing the likes of Presidents, Prime Ministers, Sports Legions and Music Icons.  But most importantly he was a sweet man, devoted to his family and friends.  May his spirit, memories, love, support and photos bring comfort to his dear wife (of 63 years), Shirley, his sons Mark and Eddie and their families, his brother Don and sister Etagail and all who loved him. He will be truly missed.
Paul Sherizen (z’l)
Condolences to the Sherizen family on the passing of their patriarch, Paul Sherizen. He was a devoted supporter of Israel as he was ever-present at all AIPAC events.  Our prayers and thoughts are with his family during their time of sorrow.
Max Fischel (z’l)
Dear friends, Barbara and Irvin Kappy lost their beloved father this past week.  Max was a sweet wonderful man who survived the Holocaust to flourish and raise a beautiful family with his beloved wife, Sophie Fischel (z’l).  May his memories and love bring comfort to Barbara, Irvin, Brandon and Michelle as his legacy lives on in their lives.
Cantor Harold Orbach (z’l)
Condolences to the family of Cantor Orbach on his passing.
Bob Hoskins 
Actor Bob Hoskins age 71, best know for his role in Who Framed Roger Rabbit (a movie we saw hundreds of times with our kids) died this week from pneumonia.  He also suffered from Parkinson’s disease.
Al Feldstein (z’l) 
If you were a MAD Magazine fan, you’ll be sad to hear of the death of Al Feldstein (age 88) who was its guiding force for 30 years.
Michigan Primary is Aug. 5th
National Election is Nov. 4th
Eligible voters: All US Citizens who are or will be 18 by Nov. 4th.  Remind those new voters to Register at the site below.
This site can also answer all your Election questions when you click to various pages.
(Get Out The Vote)

Congressman Gary Peters

Please help elect (future Senator) Gary Peters.  
His opponent, Terri Lynn Land has created her first ad…”Really?”
Judge for yourself, but this ad contains NO content and is insulting to Men suggesting they can’t be supportive of women’s rights. YES, Ms. Land, Gary Peters has proven his support of women excessively more than you have.
The difference between Peters and Land on Israel.
Ms. Land has never been to Israel and lags far behind Gary in education about the region.
Here is Gary’s statement regarding Sec. Kerry:
“Secretary Kerry’s recent statement was unacceptable-which I am glad he has admitted. Using the word apartheid ignores the democratic nature of Israel and that Israel has shown, over and over, that it is willing to make difficult choices to achieve peace and security. It is also extremely disappointing and worrisome that the Palestinian Authority has chosen unity with Hamas over negotiations with Israel, which is a threat to any chance of peace. Peace talks should resume without preconditions and without Hamas.”
Shame on Georgia’s new gun law which allows guns to be carried almost everywhere… school, bars, churches, playgrounds, parts of airports… Watch out July 1st, when the law takes affect and hopefully scares tourist away from their State.
      Congressman Michael Grimm
More Shame
Congressman Michael Grimm (from Staten Island, NY) was presented with a 20 count indictment of corruption based on his ownership of a health food restaurant in Manhattan calledHealthalicious. Yes, he is innocent until proven guilty so I will keep you posted on this interesting case.  By the way, he is also the guy who threatened to throw a journalist over the balcony during an interview.
Community events
LAST CHANCE – Please join us
May 5th
Joint Action Committee
Please become a JAC member in support of candidates who believe in a Strong Israel, Pro-Choice and Separation of Religion and State. This year’s event (free to all current members) will be Monday May 5th @ 9:30am at the home of Florine Mark for a Candidate Forum featuring Senate candidate Congressman Gary Peters and many other local candidates.
Special guest is Sen. Debbie Stabenow.
May 12th
Planned Parenthood
Hope you can attend this year’s PP event with guest speaker,
Gloria Steinem Monday May 12th @ noon @ The Henry in Dearborn.
August 17-22
Maccabi Athlete Housing
Our community needs about 800 host families to house approximately 1,500 visiting athletes and artists the week ofAugust 17-22.  Its a fun commitment that helps connect our community and gives us the opportunity to meet wonderful young people from all over the world.
Kol Hakavod (“go with strength”), Zabar costumers and staff as they ignored and criticized the BDS protesters outside their famous Manhattan store:
Missed from last week…
April 28th
Josh Stone (Happy 21st birthday)
April 30th
Jackie Victor
Aaron Rosberg
This week’s celebrants are…
  May 2nd
Zoey Spiegelman
Elinor Ruiz
AJ Aaron
May 3rd
May 4th
Laura Zausmer
Joey Selesny
Peter Levin
May 5th (Cinco de Mayo)
Dan Ruiz
Matt Kletter
Mark Milgrom
May 6th
Beth Snider
Suzy Farbman
May 7th
Steven Miesowicz
Jeff Kepes
Andrew Echt
May 8th
Jesse Stern
Julie Edgar
Sandy Lippitt
Sometimes birthdays on my computer fall into a black hole, so if you’d like a birthday mentioned in these emails, please confirm I have it in my system.

For those who are forwarded this message by a friend or read it on Facebook, you can receive your own version each Friday morning at 6am by clicking on the above button.

Please excuse my typos, misspellings and human errors.  Thanks.

Shabbot Shalom May 2, 2014