Shabbot Shalom March 28, 2014

Joyous Shabbat Shalom March 28, 2014

Dear Friends and Family,

Week’s Review
Between Mudslides, Missing Mysteries and Michigan Marriages this week has been a roller-coaster of emotions. As we in Michigan are dodging the mundane but damaging potholes, many others are dealing with more serious life obstacles.

Mountain Mudslide
55 miles Northeast of Seattle, a (50 home) community was destroyed when the side of a mountain collapsed after heavy rain and mudslides.  Nearly 100 people are still missing with a death toll of 25 that bound to increase.  This natural disaster had no forewarning and rescue in the muck is painstakingly slow.

Oso, Washington

 Frustrated Families
The worst emotional roller-coaster is being experienced by the devastated family members of the lost plane as they were told this week that the plane crashed into the Indian Ocean.  With no tangible evidence, the families, understandably, are angry and distrustful of the Malaysian authorities, though it seems only a matter of time before debris will be recovered.

Michigan Marriages
Nearly 300 legal Michigan (same-sex) marriages squeezed into a brief window of opportunity Saturday morning after Judge Friedman wisely overturned our Michigan’s unconstitutional ban on same-sex marriages.  But, expectedly, our conservative Attorney General Bill Schuette (up for re-election) requested a Stay which was granted so these marriage will remain in limbo until the case works it way through the appellate courts most likely reaching it’s final destination with our highest court sometime in mid 2015.

Bravo, Lisa Brown and other County Clerks for opening their offices on Saturday

Six Hour Rant
A parade of alternating messages between admiration and disgust was witnessed Tuesday evening at the University of Michigan Student Union. Last week the request to the Student Government to approve a Boycott of Israel was tabled indefinitely to the anger of protesters who started a Sit-in which brought back Tuesday evening’s 6 hour display and a final vote AGAINST (25-9) the boycott.  This double standard of Israel is SO frustrating and is often based on lies and Anti-Semitism, which sadly will endure but hopefully will continue to keep us strong, reflective and righteous. Yes, there are many problems in Israel and Palestinians deserve a homeland but one that peacefully neighbors our homeland and maintains OUR rights and security.  It should be a Two-Way Street for both Peoples… not a Dead-end.

The U of M student government should take their cues from the Rolling Stones as they have just announce to perform in Israel on June 4th in Tel Aviv’s Park Hayarkon.

Mick and buddies Israel bound

POTUS Picks Sparty
No one will win the Billion Dollar basketball bracket this year but our wise President Obama did pick my alma-mater, the MSU Spartans to win it all.  As Sweet 16 moves to the Elite 8, we’ll see if the POTUS was on the right track.

Ethical Treatment
Hypocrisy should be Denmark’s county motto as last month they publicly killed a healthy giraffe, sliced it into pieces and fed it to their lions in front of nonchalant zoo visitors including many children. Then this week they killed two adult lions (to make room for a new lion) and 2 young cubs because they said the cubs wouldn’t be able to survive on their own.  But of course, they justify this week’s ban on Kosher and Halal slaughter because Animal Rights must come before Religion.  Where is the protest against Denmark?

Zoo Story:

Kosher Slaughter Ban:

Denmark Zoo (animals beware)

Quarter Century Later
The Herring population as never returned YET there are still pockets of oil found in crevices all over the shores.  22 Orca Whales, 250 Bald Eagles, 300 harbor Seals and close to 1/4 million seabirds all perished that dreadful day March 24, 1989 when the Exxon Valdez hit a reef, ripped open its tank and spilled the equivalent of 17 olympic size pools of oil into Prince Edward Sound in Alaska. These stats are just a fraction of the devastation that occurred 2 and half decades ago.  Today, oil ships must be double-hulled, plus tugs boats and radar are required to assist the maneuvers of the giant tankers while near shore. What’s truly needed (for lots of reasons) is a decrease and eventual elimination of our Oil Dependence.

Best of the Week
The two highlights of this week was: 1. the discovery of our granddaughter, Hadassa‘s first tooth and 2. the amazing satellite music channel of ALL Billy Joel tunes and tales.  It is on XM Channel 4 though June 25th: and for true BJ and Jimmy Fallon fans, check out their Doo Wop Duet
and the rock song, “You May Be Right”:

My favorite album

Wishing you and your family a Sweet and Peaceful Shabbat Shalom,


P.S.  If you would like your (or your loved ones) birthday mentioned or if you have a passion, interesting article or video you’d like spotlighted, please let me know.

Condolences to Ellen Cogen Lipton and her family on the passing of her sister, Hope.  May her spirit and cherished memory bring comfort to those who loved her.


Future Senator Gary Peters
We must do two things before the Nov. 4th vote.
1. Please help spread the word about the merits and expertise of Congressman Gary Peters as he is our best choice to represent Michigan in the Senate.  Ms. Land’s only concern is Anti-Choice plus she refuses to speak to the public purposely to prevent voters from understanding the vast differences in their qualities.  Many republicans support Gary as he is a moderate who has a proven track record for our State.
2. Please encourage EVERYONE you know (Friends and Foes, Family and Strangers) to GET OUT AND VOTE. Embarrassingly, Michigan is the State that has the largest dip in voter turnout for midterm elections.  Less voters means less votes for progressive candidates and there is a scary chance we could loose the Senate if we (all over our nation) don’t vote.  
Third Party
Citizens United needs to be repealed to prevent the emerging THREE party system of Democrats, Republicans and Billions.
Planned Parenthood
Hope you can attend this year’s PP event with guest speaker, Gloria Steinem Monday May 12th @ noon @ The Henry in Dearborn.
Healthy Body Healthy Mind
Please support Kadima’s fundraiser Thursday May 8th @ 7:30pm @ Shaarey Zedek with guest speaker Patty Duke who will discuss her struggle with Bipolar Disorder.
PBS Spotlights our History
Our 3,000 year Jewish history will be showcased from its sorrows to its survival on PBS with the first (2 hour) segments shown this past Tuesday and the remainder (3 hour) segments on April 2nd. Bravo PBS and film creator, Simon Schama on bringing this comprehensive story to the American public.
Jump Start by HFL
Got a business idea or are you interested in our local business environment? Please attend Hebrew Free Loans JUMP STARTprogram on Sunday April 13th at 10am at Lawrence Tech. University in Southfield (plus, Hannan is one of the speakers):
Michigan’s Human Trafficking Trade
Sadly, Human Trafficking is a major concern even here in Michigan.  Please join The Maimonides Society of SE MI for a Federation sponsored community discussion on Tuesday April 1st at 7:30pmat Adat Shalom.
Autism Speaks
April is Autism Awareness Month.  Please support the efforts to learn more about this disorder.
Prayers and Well Wishes
Our thoughts and prayers are with Linda Lee during her current medical challenges.  Wishing her strength and comfort to overcome her disease.
Empowering Homeless Women
Bravo to these 6 incredible Detroit women who are changing the lives our those in our region and securing the future for all of us. Special notice to 24 year old Veronika Scott who created theEmpowerment Plan which is an amazing non-profit organization that creates warm coats that converted into sleeping bags for the homeless. Plus they employ and empower homeless women to work in their factory.  Its a win-win for everyone.
Empowered Brilliant Women
Kudos to the women of the Supreme Court for brilliantly questioning the absurd case of For-Profit entities who want to be exempt from offering Birth Control (mandated in the Affordable Care Act) to their employees based on their religious beliefs. Sadly, the conservative Justices seem to be louder in their support than those against this case. The final decision will be granted in last June.  Stay tuned.
Blooming Beauty

Bravo to this new father for his beautiful tribute to his wife and her blossoming belly as he films each day of the miracle and accompanies it to his lovely song, “Something New

Best of Fest
Congrats to the documentary film “Stealing Home” as it won Best of Fest prize at the First Freep Film Festival and just in time as the Tiger’s open day is Monday. The film is about the volunteer efforts to continue the maintenance of the old Tiger Field.

I missed a birthday last week…
March 24th
Anita Naftaly
This week’s celebrants are…
  March 28th
Marianne Milgrom Bloomberg
Wendy Danzig
March 29th
Marc Morganstern
Dan Horwitz
March 30th
Andy Meisner
March 31st
Charlie Kao
Jennifer Champagne
Lisa Ross
April 1st
Jon Frank
Gilda Jacobs
April 2nd
Laura Freedman
April 3rd
Penny Orley (when’s Russell’s?)
Jeremy Wolfe

For those who are forwarded this message by a friend or read it on Facebook, you can receive your own version each Friday morning at 6am by clicking on the above button.

Please excuse my typos, misspellings and human errors.  Thanks.

Shabbot Shalom March 28, 2014

3/21/14 Addendum

Shabbat Addendum
Oops 1. 
I forgot to ask you to join me at the
Orchards Children’s Services Signature Homewarming Event to view their new home:
This Thursday March 27th
24901 Northwestern Highway
Southfield, MI 48075
There’ll be Food, Drinks and Entertainment for the whole Family Orchards’ incredible efforts on behalf of children and families in our community is remarkable.  We are so fortunate for their services.
For more info and to RSVP, please contact Fern Kepes at or 248-530 7610 or check out their website at for more info on their work and how to support them.  THANK YOU.
Oops 2.
97% of VOTES (not citizens) in the Crimea supported merging with Russia.  Very few Crimeans actually voted in that “election”.
Oops 3.

Happy 60th Birthday to Marilyn Madorsky on March 24th.

Spring arrived this week so Warm Regards to all.  Till next Friday…
3/21/14 Addendum

Shabbot Shalom March 21, 2014

Peaceful Shabbat Shalom March 21, 2014

Dear Friends and Family,

Day 14
It’s Day 14 for the missing jumbo jet as the (fiction-esque) mystery continues. 26 countries are aiding in the search and now the focus is on the southern part Indian Ocean. Hopefully info will emerge soon.

30 years
An early morning earthquake shook Los Angeles this week reminding residents to be prepared as geologist predict with 99% accuracy that a major quake will hit the area within the next 30 years.  I’m sticking with my blustery Winter.

A divided peoplehood inhabit a single country, though now Russiahas annexed the Crimea Region after last week’s “elections” where 97% of citizens voted to join Russia.  They obviously align with Russia and have aspired to be reconnected since they were given to the Ukraine in 1954.  You’d think a choice between modern western Europe and overbearing bias Russia would be easy, but roots seem to run deep in that region and good riddance if they want Putin as their leader.

Russian Roulette is the game young people are playing when they don’t sign up for Health Care.  Some think that they’ll pay less yearly by paying for doctors visits when needed.  Maybe…but what if they break an arm while playing basketball or get in a car accident (pu, pu, pu).  The game is up and their bank accounts will suffer.  Plus, God-willing, they’ll be old one day and will need young people to help lower health insurance rates for ALL, and not to mention its the LAW with financial penalties for delinquents. Here’s a cute video of famous Moms (of Adam Levine, Jonah Hill…) encouraging millenniums to sign up before the approaching March 31st deadline:

$250 Million
Without their normal weapons of riffles and handguns but with political pressure alone and an annual budget of $250 million, the NRA effectively killed our potential Surgeon General BECAUSE believes in gun control and apparently would lose confirmation votes by Senators (on both sides of the aisle) with mid-term elections in gun loving States.  Sadly our messy and skewed democratic game has sabotaged an excellent Surgeon General candidate . By the way, his top priority would have been focusing on our deadliest epidemic of obesity. AND Gun Control laws wouldn’t be on his docket anyway.  It’s like saying a top military general shouldn’t be promoted for his pro-choice views.

Dr. Murthy-nominee

March 22nd
This Saturday would have been the 21st birthday of George Orley (of blessed memory).  George was a kind soul with a huge heart and a passion for our City of Detroit. Honoring his memory with an act of loving kindness, a Mitzvah, a good deed, a prayer or paying it forward will help keep his spirit alive.  Hugs to all who loved George and who will be toasting his memory on Saturday. He will always be remembered in our hearts.

Bravo to the 30 Senators who pulled an all-nighter last week to spotlight the latest information on climate change. Hopefully this session will bring about much needed legislation to help protect our environment and our (only) home, planet Earth.

David Brenner, a writer, director, comedian and producer passed away this week at age 78.  His contributions to the field of entertainment were vast and will be greatly missed.  His grandfather was a rabbi who objected to his son’s entertainment career when it conflicted with Shabbat but David was able to maintain his Jewish identity while succeeding in his career.

David Brenner 1936-2014

Bravo to Andy Levin and Mary Freeman on the efforts (though this week’s Free Press article) to encourage the (more environmental) deconstruction of our (nearly 80,000) Detroit blighted properties rather than straight demolition of the buildings. Though deconstruction is more timely and costly, in the long run it will save our landfills from excessive (valuable) material, prevent (air and soil) pollution with the proper removal of toxins (lead and asbestos), provide future homes with antique fixtures and floors and provide training and jobs to unskilled laborers.  This is a win-win for all and I hope the powers-to-be take notice.

Blight to Renewal
I loved the original and also last week’s from Tel Aviv, but this rendition of “Happy”, song by Detroit Elementary school kids is Hands-Down #1 in my book! I know this song is everywhere, but these students will truly bring a smile to your face.  BRAVO to organizations like Charter Schools, Repair the World, City Year and Teach for America for bringing needed assistance to DPS. I’m HAPPY to share this video with you as I think it will brighten your day:
Wishing you and your family a Sweet and Peaceful Shabbat Shalom,



Future Senator Gary Peters
Please join us in support of Congressman Gary Peters campaign for the US Senate this Sunday March 23rd (3-5pm) at the home ofMindy and Scott Eisenberg.  For more info or to RSVP:
I’m waiting for a Statewide televised debate so Michiganders can understand the major differences between the candidates including knowledge, experience, skill level and beliefs. For example,  Gary has been a stalwart supporter of women’s rights as they are repeatedly threatened, yet Ms. Land’s main concern is her strong anti-choice beliefs.
Women Senate Candidates
I hope to see you this Sunday March 23rd @ 5pm (after Gary’s event) at my mother’s home (Florine Mark) for a reception for 3 excellent Women US Senatorial Candidates from KY, GA and WV. Please contact Annette Rodgers: 517-243-1055
Detroit Teach For America
Please join us and our co-hosts, Marc and Lori Siegel, for a wine-tasting and informational (non-solicitation) evening to learn about the efforts of Teach For America program in Detroit this Tuesday evening March 25th (7:15pm) at our home.
We have a wonderful turnout and would love to see you there.
Planned Parenthood
Hope you can attend this year’s PP event with guest speaker, Gloria Steinem Monday May 12th @ noon @ The Henry in Dearborn.
Transforming Loss
Thank you PBS for airing this heartwarming, meaningful, award winning documentary about coping and healing through the loss of a loved one.  It will air on Detroit Public Television Sunday March 30th at 4pm.  Bravo to high school friend and Filmmaker, Judith Burdick, and dear friend, Liz Guz, for appearing in the documentary.
Healthy Body Healthy Mind
Please support Kadima’s fundraiser Thursday May 8th @ 7:30pm @ Shaarey Zedek with guest speaker Patty Duke who will discuss her struggle with Bipolar Disorder.
I missed a few birthdays last week…
March 14th
Dylan Dembs
Rob Spiegelman
March 15th
Tom Kukes
Aria Oleshansky
March 20th
Ali Benyas
This week’s celebrants are…
  March 21st
Sarah Krasnick
March 22nd
George Orley (of blessed memory)
Jacquelyn Pierce
Jennifer Noparstak
March 23rd
Lyndsay Wainer Dembs
Elinor Ross
Lee Ross
Judy Hocher
Rod Brown
March 24th
Rachel Bendit
Beth Gotthelf
Missy Klass Siegler
March 25th
Aunt Chilly Revich (103)
Kelli Saperstein
Eric Yanoff
March 26th
Michael Curhan
March 27th
Mitch Mondry
Randy Wolfe

For those who are forwarded this message by a friend or read it on Facebook, you can receive your own version each Friday morning at 6am by clicking on the above button.

Please excuse my typos, misspellings and human errors.  Thanks.

Shabbot Shalom March 21, 2014

Shabbot Shalom March 14, 2014

Sweet Shabbat Shalom and Hag Sameach March 14, 2014

Dear Friends and Family,

“I heard the News today, oh boy”
Sadly this week’s news is filled with rockets, explosions and missing jumbo jets.  Gazan terrorist (Islamic Jihad) shot 70 rockets into Southern Israel causing an escalation of aggression during a seize fire that had (semi) existed since 2012. The Iron Dome successfully destroyed (in mid-air) those rockets that were headed toward populated areas, yet the terror still existed for those running for cover. Retaliation is in store for any and all who harmfully target Israelis. More tragedy occurred on this side of the ocean as a 5 story building in East Harlem collapsed killing 7, injuring 60 with several people still missing.  Prayers and thoughts are with the victims of this catastrophe.  Lastly, where in the world is that Malaysian airplane? How can a jumbo jet disappear?  Now they think it may have flown hours after it’s last contact which means it could be almost anywhere on land or sea. Wishing the families of those passengers relief from their knowledge limbo.

“With a little help from my friends”
Everyone needs help and as I’ve lamented often, we are all flawed human beings .  So this is an ernest invitation for any of you to send corrections, comments, edits or suggestions for these weekly email connections.  In the correction column from last week, Purim (for most of us) is Sunday March 16th (not March 17th, though I wasn’t too mistaken as 3/17 is Shushan Purim, when it is celebrated in the Walled city of Jerusalem). L’chaim to the Purim story as our enemies, again, tried to concur us, yet we survived, thrived and live on to celebrate life and perpetuate our heritage by retelling our past so it may live on in our future.

“Doctor Doctor, Give Me the News”
Barack vs. Zach…slam dunk for the Pres.  To reach a younger audience, who needs to step up and sign up, POTUS goes head to head with Hangovered, Zach Galifianakis on his offbeat talk show,Between Two Ferns. The result is quite funny and hopefully the Health Care message will be received by the Millenniums.  Rather than trying 46 times to repeal the Health Care Law, let’s work together to upgrade and improve it.  On a related note (as of this week) our new Michigan law now requires women to purchase (if available) insurance riders in case an abortion is needed in the future due to rape or fetal abnormality or (for whatever reason) an unwanted pregnancy. YET, “P” pumps and Viagra are (of course) safely covered.  Go figure..!

“Detroit Rock City”
Time to boast about our great city of Detroit (again).  This kudos is directed at Wayne State University as it has now reached the list of top 100 Law Schools in the nation (#87 on US News and World Report) jumping 18 spots in one year.  Congrats to Law School Dean, Jocelyn Benson, for her dedicated efforts to the school, City and our State.

“Don’t forget the Motor City”
More Detroit boasting comes from the Hoffpost and homegrown journalist, Alex Zaslow (who takes after her dad), as she guides us through our Detroit heritage that has changed the world in the realm of Civil Rights, Sports, Music, Industrial Innovation, the Arts and more. Check out this prideful article:

“Starry starry night”
Sadly someone doesn’t seem to appreciate the Detroit beauty and creativity of the Artwork at the Detroit Heidelberg Project as this week the 9th fire was set ablaze destroying the “Party Animal House”.  If this trend continues, it could be the demise of the 28 year old Heidelberg Project which has been a source of pride, tourism and revenue for the neighborhood.

Animal House before fire

“…in a flatbed Ford slowing down to take a look at me”
The last of Henry Ford’s (4) grandchildren past away this week, with the death of William Clay Ford, Sr., the youngest child of Edsel and Eleanor, the husband of Martha Firestone (of the tire company) and the owner and chairman of the Detroit Lion. Though his grandfather was not beloved by our Jewish Community, Henry’s decedents certainly made up for his misgivings.  William Clay Ford, Jr. is a cherished philanthropic leader and was even honored by our Jewish Community Center.

William Clay Ford, Sr. 1925-2014

“Happiness runs in a circular motion”
Israel is ranked #11 on the UN’s World Happiness Report, above Belgium with its chocolates, Brazil with its Carnival and Spain with its Bull Running.  Why are Israelis so Happy?  Certainly not its neighborhood, but maybe its close-knit family structure, its food or its love of life.  Who knows, but here is my favorite Happy song (from last week) coupled with the sites and people of Tel Aviv/Yafo:

” Eliezer Ben Yehuda, Yehudi m’vadei’ach”
One of my biggest regret in life is not learning fluent Hebrew.  Oh, I tried Ulpan in Israel and local classes here but I just don’t have an ear for languages.  I envy bi-lingual people (but keeping the above image in mind, I do appreciate knowing English as my One language).  Check out this uniquely talented women who “speaks” various different languages. This is what I hear when sitting in a crowd of Hebrew speakers:

“gone to graveyards, everyone. When will they ever learn”
Bravo to Team 26 as they ride from Newtown, CT to Washington, DC to pay tribute to the 26 victims of Sandy Hook and to bring awareness for the need of safer gun control laws like required background checks and assault weapon bans.

“A Taste of Honey”
Kudos to Lisa Moed and her Breaking Bread tours as she breaks down the perceived barriers between Jews and Arabs of the Holyland with her gastronomical visits to all spectrums of the region. Peace should be achieved with eating utensils as apposed to weapons of destruction.

Wishing you and your family a Sweet and Peaceful Shabbat Shalom and Hag Purim Sameach,


P.S.  Though I buy my Shabbat Chala at Dakota, here is a great recipe if you want to DIY .

( We miss Shimon’s Chala’s)


Future Senator Gary Peters
Please join us in support of Congressman Gary Peters campaign for the US Senate on March 23rd (3-5pm) at the home of Mindy and Scott Eisenberg. Please contact Hy Safran for more info or to rsvp:
Forgotten Harvest
The Forgotten Harvest 22nd annual comedy night with guest starTim Allen is SOLD OUT.  Though we are still looking for (silent and live) Auction Items for the event. Thanks for all of your support of funds that help rescue unused food, repackages it and distribute it to families in need all in a timely manner. Their system is AMAZING and if you would like a tour or have any auction items, please let me know.
Detroit Teach For America
Please join Marc and Lori Siegel as we co-host a wine-tasting and informational (non-solicitation) evening in support of our (relatively new) Teach For America program in Detroit on Tuesday evening March 25th (7:15pm) at our home.  If interested, please watch this short video of the Detroit Teach For America program:  and to RSVP to the March 25th event, please contact:
Planned Parenthood
Hope you can attend this year’s PP event with guest speaker, Gloria Steinem Monday May 12th @ noon @ The Henry in Dearborn.
Rainforest Alliance
Check out this incredibly creative ad that can help us all save the rainforest by following the Frog: (this is really worth the 3 minute peak).
Our new Great-Nephew has arrive, Anapat Louis Dorn.  Son to Kevin & Eed and grandson to Sheri & Abe and Carl.  His nickname is Peace and may he grow in health and bring much joy and love to his family.
Mazel Tov on the birth this week of Sydney Harper Friedmandaughter to Lisa and Josh Friedman and granddaughter to Zina and Michael Kramer. Wishing the growing family health, happiness and love.

Welcome to the world, Zahava Henny Levin, daughter of Fallon and Michael Levin and Great-niece and cousin to the Rubinfelds of our Shabbat Crew.

This week to…
  March 14th
Albert Einstein
 Quincy Jones
Billy Crystal
Diane Arbus
March 15th
Heidi Budaj (Mark’s mom)
Debbie Levin (Shelby’s Aunt)
Ruth Bader Ginsberg
March 16th
Nathan Elyakin (Shira’s brother)
Marla Hornsten (TI Rabbi)
Marc Shindler (Brody’s owner)
Jerry Lewis
March 17th
Patrick Mardney (Bonus Brother)
Michael Berke (Marc’s dad)
Rachel Gottlieb Kalmowitz (TBE Cantor)
Josh Schaefer (Mataan’s buddy)
Nat King Cole
March 18th
Jeremy Cohn (Barbara’s son)
Patrick Duggan (Erin’s husband)
Queen Latifah
March 19th
Kelly Victor (David’s wife)
Glenn Close
March 20th
Mitchell Shector (Sandy’s son)
Carl Reiner

For those who are forwarded this message by a friend or read it on Facebook, you can receive your own version each Friday morning at 6am by clicking on the above button.

Please excuse my typos, misspellings and human errors.  Thanks.

Shabbot Shalom March 14, 2014

Shabbat Shalom March 7, 2014

Sweet Shabbat Shalom March 7, 2014

Dear Friends and Family,

Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.
Albert Einstein

AIPAC is exceedingly VALUABLE to our beloved State of Israel. Earlier this week, we were among 14,000 supporters at the annual AIPAC Policy Conference (enduring a DC snow storm), under one LARGE tent including many friends from all across this nation representing African Americans, Christians, Hispanics, Arabs, Gay, Democrats, Republicans, Reform, Conservative, Orthodox, students and clergy of all faiths, who parked their various priorities at the door and walked into the convention center all wearing their Pro-Israel hats.  Frustratedly, we had to endure anti-Israel protesters outside the conference spewing hatred and lies about the reality of our homeland.  No country is perfect, but there is ALWAYS a double standard thrust upon Israel that is bluntly seeded in Anti-Semitism. Sadly, there were even the extreme anti-Israel views from the “Jewish” Neturei Karta (Ultra Orthodox) who believe Israel should only exist when the Messiah arrives. These people are brainwashed, despicable and even blame the holocaust on our Zionist dream.  In reality, Zionism has proven its Tikkun Olam (world healing) achievements as Israel has developed some of the most innovative and live saving technology, medical devices and pharmaceuticals while always being the first to arrive at world disaster sites with their state of the art rescue procedures. Not to mention, providing medical aid to our neighboring “enemies” during their civil wars.  Those who criticize Israel need to educate themselves about the TRUTH.

Here’s another history lesson from the talented and musical Ari Lesser on the Truth of Apartheid (again I suggest clicking cc to read the lyrics):

Bibi speaking to 14,000 at AIPAC Policy Conference 2014

Iran was a common theme at the conference with Speakers John McCain, Chuck Schumer, John Kerry and PM Bibi Netanyahu all unified in the prevention of a Nuclear Iran.  It’s timely to discuss Iran as Purim (our holiday that represents historical events that occurred in the Iranian region) is approaching and during Purim, it is customary to send gift baskets.  Well, just this week, the Israeli navy intercepted a special Purim “gift basket” sent from Syria via our “friends” in Iran to Gaza.  The “gift” included M-302 rockets that could reach far beyond the normal target of Gaza’s neighbor, Sdarot and all the way to Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.

Purim is the story of destiny and responsibility.  Queen Esther started her life as a poor Jewish orphan who rose to a Queen’s status.  Her Hebrew name was Hadassa as is our granddaughter, named in memory of Esther, her great-grandmother and in honor of Queen Esther, our hero. When asked to help save her people from annihilation, at first she refuse, but her uncle Mordechai convinced her of her obligation saying that this could be her destiny, the reason she was selected as Queen. Not to live in the lap of luxury but to help save her people and to change the world. We all have opportunities in our paths that invite us to get involved.  It is our jobs to watch out for these openings and to step up to help in whatever way we can.  Don’t let your destiny slip past when the opportunity coming knocking at your door.  Each of us has the ability to make a difference. “Strive to be of value” Here is a short video that crystalizes this message:

Purim is March 17th
You’re suppose to get joyously drunk on Purim till you can’t tell the difference between Haman and Mordechai.

International Women’s Day
This Saturday March 8th is International Women’s Day.
“The story of women’s struggle for equality belongs to no single feminist nor to any one organization but to the collective efforts of all who care about human rights”
Gloria Steinem
If you’d like to sign a petition to encourage our US congress to pass the International Violence Against Women’s Act, please click here:

Seems Impossible
Do NOT try this yourselves.  The phenomenon of Parkour (using city roof tops as a maze to be challenged) is gaining strength. These two sandal-wearing Israeli “athletes” self-filmed their adventure through the skyline, alleyways, parks, caves and walls to their final destination of the old City of Jerusalem.  This 7 minute video is not for the faint of heart. Enjoy:

Theme Film for Winter of 2014
Though her name was mispronounced (big deal, we all make mistakes), her song won the Oscar this year. Actually, the blunder brought great PR to all involved.  Here is Idina Menzel with Jimmy Fallon and the Roots using kindergarten instruments and singing Let it Go from the film Frozen.  This should be our Winter’s Theme song.

Spring IS coming

Wishing you and your family a Sweet and Peaceful Shabbat Shalom,


P.S. Wishing those who enjoyed Mardi Gras (translation is Fat Tuesdays) with a Pazcki (donut) or beads in New Orleans a meaningful Lent of 40 days leading up to Easter.


Future Senator Gary Peters
Please join us in support of Congressman Gary Peters campaign for the US Senate on March 23rd (3-5pm) at the home of Mindy and Scott Eisenberg. Please contact Hy Safran for more info or to rsvp:
Rescue and Distribute
Very few seats are left for Forgotten Harvest 22nd annual comedy night with guest star Tim Allen. I suppose next week, I’ll happily announce it is sold out. Thanks for all of your support of funds that help rescue unused food, repackages it and distribute it to families in need all in a timely manner. Their system is AMAZING and if you would like a tour, please let me know.
Detroit Teach For America
Please join Marc and Lori Siegel as we co-host a wine-tasting and informational (non-solicitation) evening in support of our (relatively new) Teach For America program in Detroit on Tuesday evening March 25th (7:15pm) at our home.  If interested, please watch this short video of the Detroit Teach For America program:  and to RSVP to the March 25th event, please contact:
Conflict Resolution
Please join Brenda Rosenberg and Samia Moustapha Bahsounat their (free) presentation and roundtable discussion on Tectonic Leadership-A Roadmap to Systemic Change.  Sunday March 9th (3:00pm) at the Holocaust Memorial Center in Farmington Hills.
Good News
Bravo to Disney for cutting out support of the Boy Scouts for their anti-gay stance.  Weather Walt, in his day, was a racist or not (it’s debated), his ancestors and current board are on the right track:,0,235697.story#axzz2v74wmsAy
Bad News
Shame on (Detroit neighbors) the University of Windsor’s student boycott of Israel. Your country would be disappointed in your decision as Canada is a great friend to Israel.  About 800 students (of 14,000) voted in favor of the boycott. The question is, do ANY of those 800 even think Israel has the right to exist as a Jewish State.  I assume not.  As repeated in these messages, boycotting is just another form of Anti-Semitism and sadly this form of hatred and bigotry is not going away anytime soon.
Rest in Peace
Condolences to the family of Herbert “Shelly” Schelberg, age 95, father to Jane Schelberg and Jim (and Marilyn) Schelberg. May his memory bring comfort to those who loved him.
Sending prayers and thoughts to the family of Elaine Roberts, age 87, on her passing.  May her spirit and love comfort those who loved her including Patti Roberts and Sheri Mark.
Condolences to the family of Alice Segal, age 87, on her passing. Wife of Dr. Andrew Segal.  May her memory be a blessing onto her family.
Oops, missed these one last week
March 1st
Max Appelman (Carole, Marcia & Marianne’s nephew)
March 5th
Jamie Rashty (U of M Freshman)
…And this week…
  March 7th
Ilyse Mark (awesome niece)
Susie Stern (JDC, JFNA, NWP)
March 8th
Jenny Nathan (NOLA gal)
Yuval Moed (our famous house guest)
Susan B. Anthony argued for Women’s Voting Rights in 1884
March 9th
Linda Stein (Ken’s Fav)
Dan Rather resigned from CBS News in 2005
March 10th
Howard Brown (Lisa’s hubby)
Jon Hamm was born in 1971
March 11th
Jeff Kaye (our favorite Jerusalemite)
Marcia Leifer (Met on 1980 Israel trip)
Sir Paul McCartney was Knighted in 1997
March 12th
Lorie Kessler (Mutual friend of Sherry)
Sheryl Alpern (best Driver’s ed teacher)
James Taylor was born in 1948
March 13th
Erika Sachse (Fav Sachse of Liat and Mataan)
Neil Sadaka was born in 1939

For those who are forwarded this message by a friend or read it on Facebook, you can receive your own version each Friday morning at 6am by clicking on the above button.

Please excuse my typos, misspellings and human errors.  Thanks.

Shabbat Shalom March 7, 2014