Shabbat Shalom April 26, 2013

Shabbat Shalom April 26, 2013
Dear Friends and Family,

Again this year, the Irish Teachers Union has recommitted their stance to Boycott the State of Israel.  They believe their 14,500 members should cleanse themselves of all Israeli academic and cultural exchange due to their apartheid actions toward Palestinians, worse, according to them, than even South Africa.  This message is flawed and bias on SO many levels that logic and truth barely come into play.  It is sad and frustrating that they prefer to align themselves with the Universities in Gaza which promote terrorism, deceit and pride in killing Zionists.

Irish teachers union

Much appreciation is due to the Muslim community of greater Toronto for stepping up to thwart the terrorist train derailment plot which could have killed hundreds of Canadians and Americans.  An Iranian supported (al Qaeda assisted) plan to attack a Toronto to New York train was foiled long before serious plans were executed due to the vigilance of Canadian Muslim leaders.  With no intent to minimize these efforts, it would be helpful if the Global Muslim Community unionize against Islamic radicalization.

Though it seems Iran’s main wrath of contention is of course that “evil” sliver of Israeli land. Deep in Iranian crevices are nuclear enriching factories which need constant monitoring.  Until these efforts are stopped, much thanks is due to our US government for the $3.1 Billion (highest amount ever) Military aid to Israel this year.  Also, thanks for the special Air Tanker Gas Station (to refuel planes mid-air) so Israeli jets can (non-stop) reach Iranian territory (if needed). By the way, these plane requests were denied by our previous US administration.  Still denied are the bunker busters needed to penetrate those nuclear factory crevices.

With no Iranian (or foreign) connection (that we know of), Bomber Number 2 was charged with using weapons of Mass Destruction.  This sad saga will continue to play out for months to come as his trial commences while many victims try to regain their physical, emotional and financial self-reliance.

Bon Fires will dot the Israeli landscape this weekend as Lag B’Omer is celebrated on Sunday. One element of this holiday commemorates the Jewish revolt against the Roman Empire lead by Simon bar Kokhbar.

lag b'omer

Famed Woodstock performer Richie Havens died this week at the age of 72.  He was the 1st performer on the Woodstock Stage and sang for 3 hours.  His music was beautiful as he sings “you are so beautiful” with the help of his audience:

Richie Havens

Rest in Peace, Alan Arbus, a gifted photographer (along with his late ex-wife Diane Arbus) and a talented actor, who appeared in my all time favorite Television show that was named for the acronym of “Mobile Army Surgical Hospital“.

Allan Arbus

Famed Abandoner, South Carolina ex-Governor, Mark Stanford, thinks SC citizens will give him another chance after his Appalachian trail/South American Affair debacle.  So if you abandoned your post, do you think you should be given a second chance.  The good people of South Carolina don’t think so as the current poll for the May 7th special Congressional Seat election is leaning toward Elizabeth Colbert Busch (sister to my favorite comic political pundit, Stephen Colbert). Good luck Elizabeth!

Wishing you and your loved ones a Sweet and Pleasant Shabbat Shalom,


P.S.  My friend, Abbey, is looking to rid her home of a  5 piece white pearl Mapex drum set in great condition (with snare drum noise pad, high hat, cymbal, music stand and stool).  If you are interested,  I’ll connect you two to negotiate and swap.


Please join me at Shaarey Zedek’s Women’s World next Wednesday May 1st(luncheon 1pm, boutiques 9am-4pm) and stop by my friend, Liz Guz’s jewelry table. You will love her necklaces.  CNN correspondent, Jessica Yellin is the guest speaker (who I’ve seen all last week covering the Boston Marathon).  Did you know, her grandfather was an orthodox Rabbi?  For more info: 248-357-5544 Ext. 48

Please join my mother and me for the Mothers, Daughters, Sisters & Friends Patron event (Fashion Show) in support of Henry Ford’s Breast Care and Wellness Center. The event will be held at Saks Fifth Avenue at Somerset on Thursday May 2nd @ 9:30am. For more info: 313-874-6139 or or visit

This is your last reminder to see funny man, Martin Short, tomorrow (Saturday April 27th) at the Opera House in support of Forgotten Harvest (food rescue organization). Check out this hysterical video:  No promises, but I’m going to try and get him to say “Shabbat Shalom” to all of you.

Please check out this wonderful project by Aviva to create “stories” for visually impaired children.  It is truly inspiring, creative and heartwarming:

For friends and family in Denver and for those planning to travel there before May 26th, please check out “a gorgeous new musical”quotes the critics, Sense and Sensibilitydirected and choreographed by fellow Detroiter, Tony Award nominee, Camp Sea-Gull Alum and sister of friends (Marianne, Carol and Paula) Marcia Milgrom Dodge.  For info and tickets:

If Ovarian Cancer is a cause close to your heart, please check out a relatively new local non-profit which raises funds dedicated to awareness and research for this deadly disease.  They have an upcoming dinner at the Henry this month and a family-friendly zoo event in September.

Deep condolences to Judy and Bernie Cantor on the untimely passing for their beloved daughter, Ellen Beth Cantor.  May her spirit and memory bring comfort to their mourning.

Condolences to Lenore Simon (best piano teacher to our children) on the passing of her mother-in-law, Mildred B. Simon.

Sorrowful condolences to my mother’s dear friend, Larry Trager and his daughter, Toni, on the passing of their beloved wife and mother, Toby Trager.  May her soul be wrapped up in the love of her family.

Sadly, Rhoda Sills, passed away this week.  Condolences to her children, Claudia, Susie and Douglas (and the late Lawrence Sills).  May her memory bring comfort to her family and friends during their time of mourning.

health tree

I hope all you April birthday celebrants had a birthday filled with Health Family, Good Friends, Delicious Food, Belly Laughs and Peace in your lives… L’Chaim to:

April 1st
Jon Frank

April 2nd
Laura Freedman

April 3rd
Penny Orley (furry and 4 legged)

April 4th
Don Cohen
Karen Simons
Michelle Ross (Niece, not Atlanta friend)

April 5th
Mark Lewis

April 7th
Lisa Weinbaum 

April 8th
Andrew Kramer

April 9th
Aviv Lis (our son)

April 10th
Edie Slotkin

April 11th
Carole Lasser
Nancy Winer

April 12th
Jenny Driker 

April 13th
Neal Zalenko

April 14th
Geoff Kretchmer
Marc Siegel 

April 15th
Pam Lippitt

April 16th
Jo Rosen
Keri Cohen 

April 17th
David Victor

April 18th
Orly Lis Lior
Shmulik Klein 

April 19th
Beth Margolin
Lisa Kirsch 

April 21st
Paige Mark
Dana Pagoda 

April 22nd
Bonnie Avianni
Ellen Tenner
Linda Kovan 

April 24th
Andy Doctoroff (Happy 50th)
Paula Milgrom

April 25th
Liat Tova Lis (our daughter)
David Handleman
Emily Levin
Lisa Brown
Marcie Leland
Wendy Yedwab
David Gans
Ilan Rubinfeld 

April 26th
Illana Greenberg
Rick Krosnick

April 27th
Amy Ostrow
Nathan Leader

April 30th
Abe Slaim
Eric Feldman
Helene Zack

Please let me know if I’ve missed your birthday.

Shabbat Shalom April 26, 2013

Shabbat Shalom April 19, 2013

Shabbat Shalom April 19, 2013
Dear Friends and Family,

It was a deadly, devastating and disappointing week beginning with the deadly Boston Marathon bombing, followed by the devastating West, Texas Fertilizer Plant explosion on the same day as the disappointing Senate vote on gun control.

Shock and disbelief are still of the mindset for most Americans who can’t fathom the reality (that Israelis endured for decades) of local terrorist attacks.  Free-Will allows humans to choose there actions.  We wouldn’t want to be non-thinking robots, but when Free-Will intersects with Evil and Brainwashing, the results are Hateful, Selfish and Deadly. The twisted minds who target innocent lives (often children) to further their “cause” are barbaric and backward.  One way or another, in this lifetime or their next “Journey”, they will pay their price and learn the simple choice of Right and Wrong.

As I write this message, the casualty toll from the Earth Shattering (2.1 magnitude) Fertilizer Plant explosion is still unknown, but bound to be devastatingly high.  The search, the prayers and the vigils are just underway but most likely will continue for weeks to come.

Why does the RIGHT to barrier-free Gun Ownership trump the RIGHT to a bullet (in your body) -free Life. 90% of Americans (including 88% of gun owners) support background checks yet 46 Senators (including 4 Democrats) sided with the NRA, which clearly represents the Gun Manufacturer, not necessarily the Gun Owners. Let’s work hard (with the help of Mayor Bloomberg, Gabby Giffords and Mark Kelly) to democratically rescind their Senatorial jobs (or sway their opinions) during the 2014 elections.  Thank you Michigan Senators Levin and Stabenow for voting in favor of the amendment.

Between this week of sadness were some sparks of delight. Sunday began a 3-day 60th birthday Vegas exertion with Tennis buddies plus one (Betsy A, Diane O, Liz G and Hillary I). Needly to say, we has a fantastic time however only a few photos are available, since what happens in Vegas…
Vegas Betsy 60                 Red Rock

(on May 22nd) Betsy will be Sixty and Sexy               Hiking in Red Rock Canyon

Also this week, we celebrated Israel’s 65th birthday at the Ann Arbor Noa Concert.  If you have never seen or heard Noa (Achinoam Nini), you are missing the majestic voice, movement and inspiration of a gifted Israeli (Bronx raised) gem.  Here is a sample of her beauty. Sorry the visual is so small.  I’ve also included a more professional video of her:

Unfortunately, at this concert (and at most Ann Arbor Jewish events), were the Anti-Israel protesters spewing hateful rhetoric meant to insight anger and mispresent facts. Ann Arborites endure these uneducated bias bigots every time they attend a Bar/Bat Mitzvah service, Shabbat or High Holiday service, Israel celebration or Jewish event.  Now, Israel is not perfect by any means and yes she has made mistakes in her history, but if those protester read (with an open mind) all of the actual (not falsified) historical facts from the last 65 years, they would not be so vigilant against Israel (unless they were flat-out anti-semites). Sadly, we (as Jews) have endured this hatred for all of our 4,000 year history with no relief in sight.

Monday is the 43rd celebration of Earth Day.  Over 1 Billion people all over our Earth/Home will participate in Earth Day activities next week.  We are headed in the right direction to help preserve our (only) home however many countries and industries need to hop on the bandwagon sooner rather than later. A few of my pet peeves regarding our Earth are excessively idling cars and lights burning when not needed. Please turn your cars and lights OFF when not in use.  Thank you.

Wishing you and your loved ones a Sweet and Peaceful Shabbat Shalom,


P.S.  Two rockets were fired (from the Sinai) this week and landed in Eilat (Israel’s southern resort town).


Condolences to Brenda Steuer (and her family) on the passing of her father, Herbert Rechter.  May his memory bring confort to his family during their time of mourning.

Rest in Peace, Brewster Broder, and condolences to his family, wife, Ruth and Son and Daughter-in-law, Richard and Lisa.  May his long and dedicated life (to his family and our community) bring comfort to his family during their time of mourning.

Please join me and my mother for the Mothers, Daughters, Sisters & Friends Patron Event in support of Henry Ford Health System.  The event is being held at Saks Fifth Avenue at Somerset Collections on Thursday May 2nd at 9:30am.  For more info: or 313-874-6139 or

Please help our son, Mataan Lis, raise funds for Relay for Life (American Cancer Society).  He is the sole representative from his Frat (Theta Chi) and any small donation will be greatly appreciated. Even $10 would be generous if you are interested in supporting the cause. (Thanks)

If you are interested in Nutrion and Wellness, please check out my friend, Kelly Victor’s blog call KALEandKANT.  It is chock-filled of interesting and useful information. Once in the site, you can sign up with your email address to receive notices about the blog.

helping hand


Shabbat Shalom April 19, 2013

Please join us for a special dinner at our home

Please join us for dinner and a conversation

with renowned Documentarian, Ed Moore.

DPTV Inivitation
Dinner at our home

 May 2, 2013 at 6:30PM


Dear Friends,

We hope you can  join us for a special casual dinner at our home on Thursday May 2, 2013 at 6:30pm to learn about one of our country’s leading public television stations, our own Detroit Public Television.

Why are we inviting you?

We invited you because we think your share our opinion that metropolitan Detroit is one of the best places to live and raise a family.  The things that make this area so great include our vibrant media and cultural institutions.  Many of our most cherished institutions such as the DIA, the DSO and the Detroit Zoo had to scramble and revitalize in order to survive. I cannot imagine this metro area remaining vibrant and attractive without such institutions.

Detroit Public Television is one of the most important media and cultural assets of our metro area.  With leading edge programming, clear community mission and first-rate quality is has been an indispensable asset to all of us. We support Detroit Public Television because we realize that having a strong public television station is crucial for our future as a competitive metropolitan area.

So please join us for dinner (which is purely informational and not a fundraiser) and learn first-hand what it takes to run a first-class public television station in the 21st century.  As a prominent community leader we think you’ll appreciate to know more about DPTV and it’s impact on our city and our region.

Hannan & Lisa Lis

RSVP to Jill Schubiner 
Please join us for a special dinner at our home

Shabbat Shalom April 12, 2013

Shabbat Shalom
Shabbat Shalom April 12, 2013

Dear Friends and Family,

Rest in Peace Baroness Thatcher, the longest serving British Prime Minister in the 20th Century and the only one with Ovaries.  Also, condolences to the family of Annette Funicello on her early passing at age 70.  We will miss her Mouseketeer Ears, Beach Blankets and Pajama Parties.


5 million babies have been conceived since 1978 when Dr. Robert G. Edwards first helped Mr. and Mrs. Brown become parents to Louise Brown using In Vitro Fertilization. The father to IVF, Dr. Edwards, passed away this week.  His efforts (though criticized at the time) have brought immense joy to those 5 million families.

Dr. Edwards and Louise

HATE is a very strong word, but I can say without hesitation that I HATE Bullies and Mean People.  Why do some feel the need to exert force and racist slurs upon subordinates.  I’m sure Sigmund Freud could explain their actions, but common sense and compassion should prevent them.  Rutgers Head Coach, Tim Rice(with apologies to the talented Sir Tim Rice of the London Stage for dragging his name through the mud), should have been fired as soon as this abhorrent behavior of abuse became public.  The only reason he was fired (5 months after video of his abuse was seen by Rutger’s administration) was because his actions went viral. All those who witnessed his abuse and didn’t take action, should also be punished.  But apparently, punishment at Rutgers also comes with a $1 Million severance pay for the Athletic Director who just resigned over the incident. Key and Peele (comedy duo with Key as a native from Southfield) does a great job shedding a humours yet eloquent light on this problem.  As with all good satire, core elements are true:

Its a shame that a few Athletic Professionals taint the field for the good ones. Bravo to University of Michigan Basketball Coach, John Beilein, who came to Ann Arbor during a low point and elevated his team to Final Four Champs.  Maybe next year they can go the full distance to win the championship.

Also, Bravo, to Federal Judge Edward Korman for his insightful decision to allow (Plan B, the Day After Pill) to be sold over the counter so it is accessible when needed. I’m sure North Dakota (the worst of all States regarding Women’s Rights) will attempt to fight the Plan B accessibility ruling since it’s State Legislature just passed its Personhood Amendment basically stating Life begins at conception with the all Rights (including the Right of Protection) due to that Life. Essentially, this mean harming the Zygote (fertilized egg) could be illegal. North Dakotans will be a vote on this Amendment next year.  I’ll keep you posted.

Approximately, 17,000 Fatalities (Military and Civilian) have occurred during the (too many) wars Israel has experienced during her brief history. Plus about 4,000 victims have died as a result of Terrorist Attacks on the tiny sliver of land.  Multiply those numbers by 10 to reach those injured and disabled due to wars and terror and the casualties skyrocket. This Monday, Israel pays tribute to its fallen soldiers during Yom HaZikaron and as Life is a Cycle, this sorrowful day is followed by Yom HaAtzmaut, the day we celebrate Israel’s Independence.  Happy 65th birthday and I hope one day (soon) she will receive the only birthday gift we have been wishing for since 1948…the gift of Peace.


I found another video I know you’ll LOVE. In honor of Yom HaAtzmaut, this youtube epitomizes the upbeat HOPE, vitality, youth, history, culture and innovation of TODAY’s Israel. Please enjoy:

One HUGE gift Israel DID receive recently is the potential for energy independence.  A few months ago, a HUGE amont of Natural Gas was discovered under the Mediterranean.  Last month, this gas went online to the homes and businesses of the Israeli population.  This could be a HUGE windfall for the economic and security concerns of Israel.

Wishing you and your loved ones a Sweet and Peaceful Shabbat Shalom,



Thanks for your support of these worthy causes:

Thursday April 25th @ 6:30pm
Please join me as Jewish Women’s Foundation sponsors
“Wine, Women and The F* Word featuring Comedian Wendy Liebman @ Knollwood County Club. or contact Helen Katz at 248-203-1483

Wednesday May 1st @ 9:00am-4:00pm (Boutique) and 1:00pm (lunch)
Please join me for Shaarey Zedek’s Women’s World lunch featuring CNN’s White House Correspondent, Jessica Yellen.  For tickets, please call 248-357-5544 Ext. 48

Thursday May 2nd @ 9:30am
Please join me and my mother for the Henry Ford Health System Mothers, Daughters, Sisters, Friends Patron event at Saks Fifth Avenue @ Somerset Collection (Big Beaver Rd. Valet Entrance).  For more info: or 313-874-6139 or

Sunday May 19th @ 10:00am
Please join the 3rd Annual Wing Lake Walk for Diabetes at Wing Lake School (Maple and Wing Lake Rd)


Shabbat Shalom April 12, 2013

Shabbat Shalom April 5, 2013

Shabbat Shalom April 5, 2013

Dear Friends and Family,

When will violence diminish in our societies?  We might not be as barbaric today as we were 500 years ago, but will it take us another 500 years till we (all around the world) value LIFE.  When we speak of places or people like: North Korea, The Taliban, Syria, Hamas, much of Africa… the list goes on, we think of death and sorrow.  Even in our country, violence and aggression is all around us… in schools, movie theaters and even on our front porches.  Bravo to Colorado for its progressive gun control laws but since our State borders are transparent, we all won’t be safe till all 50 States pass similar laws to ban assalt weapons and require background checks.  I hope Michigan doesn’t wait till AFTER a mass murder to follow Colorado’s path.

Old and tattered things, people and places deserve respect and rejuvenation.  This is the case for the old and neglected Steinway which was rotting in the Motown Museum.  In its heyday sweet music was created by Motown legends but time took it’s toll on it’s ivory and wood, until Sir Paul came to the rescue and now it looks like this:


The renovated piano was returned to its home in Detroit this past Monday.  So too will the City it resides in as many “Sir Pauls” are concentrated on renovating the old and tired buildings, schools, parks and neighborhoods of Detroit.  One day soon, it too will look like a brand new Steinway.

Unfortunately, old people are sometime also forgotten and abused.  Our Western culture should study Eastern societies when it comes to respecting their elders. Sadly, a rash of attacks on older adults occurred in Israel last week.  I hope these attackers are sufficiently punished and the stories bring light to the atrocities.

The above story sorely illustrates that Israel is not a perfect society, yet we as the world’s citizens are far from reaching any Utopias.  But here is a positive story about Israel’s diverse and democratic existence (which follows last month’s annual and hateful Israel Apartheid Week).  The Voice (Israel’s music contest similar to ours) just crowned this year’s winner who happens to be an Arab Israeli.  Here is her beautiful rendition of Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah:  Also, crowned last month wasMiss Israel, who this year is an Ethiopian Jews.  Not sure how these two examples fit the Apartheid definition (not to mention the Arab Justice who sits on the Israeli Supreme Court or the voting rights of all Arab Israeli citizens).

If you want some (extreme) examples of discrimination, you can look back 70 years to the Warsaw Ghetto when the Nazis on the first night of Passover (during the Seder) tried to finalize Hitlers extermination plan until the famous Warsaw Uprising thwarted their attempts (temporarily). Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day) which this year is Monday April 8th was chosen because most Jews don’t know the actual date their relatives perished during the Holocaust so the anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising was selected as Yom HaShoah.

Now for the best news of the week.  Sales of University of Michigan T-Shirts have skyrocketed this week as the Wolverines basketball team is headed to Atlanta to complete against Syracuse on Saturday in the Final Four College Basketball tournament.  The last time U of M (with the Fab Five) made it to the Final Four, Clinton (Bill) was President, Ruth Bader Ginsberg was appointed to the Supreme Court and the Military “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” policy was instituted. Go Blue!


As I often return to the main reason for these emails, which is to wish all of you a sweet Shabbat Shalom, I found this wonderful video which eloquently depicts my admiration for Shabbat as our most sacred holiday.  We share Shabbat dinners each week with our friends and family (rotating homes).  Our 4 children have grown up with this tradition and I hope they plan to pass it on to their families.

Wishing you and your loved ones a Sweet and Peaceful Shabbat Shalom,


P.S.  Again I missed the story in the main stream media this week about the Northern and Southern attacks against Israel from Syria and Gaza.  What do you think the US would do if Mexico and Canada repeatedly lobbed rockets at North Dakota and Texas?

P.P.S.  RIP, Phil Ramone (music producer to some of my favorite artist like Billy Joel and Paul Simon),  Jane Henson (Puppeteer and Jim’s wife) and Roger Ebert (Film Critic)


Deep condolences to Marc and Susie Schechter and Jason and Rachel Zimmerman and their family on the passing of their beloved father, Robert Schechter.  May his memory, spirit and love be a blessing and comfort during their time of mourning.

Please join me during Federation Days for one (or many) of the wonderful activities offered next week to anyone who has made a 2013 Federation Pledge to our Jewish Community.  There are cooking demos, Detroit Bus Tours, Torah on Tap and Interesting Lectures available all week. Please check the schedule at  and please make a contribution (of $18 or more) to help sustain and enrich our Detroit Jewish Community.

If you have never met Congressman Gary Peters, you are missing out on geting to know one of our dedicated community leaders.  My mother, Florine Mark, is hosting a free (casual attired) Brunch to meet Gary and his wife Colleen (who are both dear friends of Hannan and mine) on Sunday April 14th at 11:00am.  If you’d like to attend, please RSVP to or 248-479-1371.

If you already know how great Gary is, please attend a fundraiser later that day (Sunday April 14th) at Cynthia and Edsel Ford‘s home in Detroit.  How often do you get the opportunity to visit the home of the great-grandson of Henry Ford.   For more info please contact or 248-799-0850

Speaking of Yom HaShoah, Detroit Public TV with Adat Shalom Synagogue will producing I Believe – A Shoah Requiem, this Sunday April 7th live from Detroit Orchestra Hall.  This musical liturgy of cantors, soloists and choruses will be dedicated to the observance of Yom HaShoah and composed by Daniel Gross of Adat Shalom Synagogue.  In addition to its broadcast on DPTV (Channel 56), it will also be streamed live at

Shabbat Shalom April 5, 2013